Monday, September 02, 2013

250 K?

On this Labor Day, I thought it appropriate to check in on how Governor Scott "250,000 jobs" Walker is doing on his promise. We need look no further than Walker Job-O-Meter over at Politifact. Apparently that promise is now a goal, not necessarily a reality. He's also been lying about some other job related matters but what do the numbers actually say?

It looks like is about a third of the way there with 84,000 jobs added. This graphic shows it's been real up and down this year...sort of like that national picture.

Now, if this were President Obama, these numbers would be horrible. But since it's Scott Walker, well, what a great job he is doing, eh!?

1 comment:

  1. Both are horrible. But let's not forget that you are the one who never fails to fellate Obummer and has no problem lying to piss on Walker.

    That's quite a Labor day labor of love isn't it?
