Monday, September 16, 2013


I wrote this over the weekend before the Navy Yard shooting and planned to post it tonight...

I'm trying to figure out what I hate more after the Colorado recall election of two state senators over their support for new gun safety laws: the usual bloviation from the gun community or the hand wringing from the left that gun control is dead. I think it's the latter.

It's always amazed me how opponents of the gun community (and other conservative causes) cower in the face of defeat. Maybe they should take a page out of the Right's playbook and lie, foam at the mouth, and scream that America is being raped. Nah, they can't do that...sensible people are too reflective and honest!

What they should do is realize that the recall election was actually a failure. They wanted to recall five senators but only got two. The Democrats still have the majority in Colorado. It's amusing that the "liberal media" is spinning this as a loss.

Further, the only thing now that is required in the Great Gun Debate is patience.  Eventually, we are going to see something like this  on a larger scale within the gun community and all this nonsense will be over. Likely, it will come from the area of mental health as it relates to gun ownership and gun rights groups themselves will be falling all over each other to pass the legislation.

Until it affects them personally, nothing will be done.

As of right now we know that Alexis was a military contractor and a gun enthusiast. He was arrested in 2010 on gun charges (firing his weapon within city limits in Fort Worth). So, how did he get the guns he used in today's shooting? And I thought that mass shooters don't attack gun full zones like a military base...


  1. Arrested does not equal prosecuted or convicted.

  2. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Just when I was ready to give Mark an Attaboy for not jumping to conclusions in his previous post he goes and reverts to normal.

  3. You know, M's decision to not comment really is a boon. We can answer his questions and not have to put up with his bullshit.

    Charges were never filed in the gun discharge incident - must be some fault with the local DA.

    But really, I'm a little surprised that M is even willing to acknowledge this shooting took place - because it wasn't an angry white right-wing-nut that did it. That is a major violation of the narrative.

    Of course M doesn't realize that a military facility isn't just chock full o' guns. It is almost as gun-free (particularly in DC) as a school.

  4. Markaderpia damned well should know military bases outside of a war zone are effectively gun-free zones except at the range. He's been informed of this at least once that I know of right here, probably several times since the Ft. Hood "workplace violence, don't you dare call it terrorism" incident.

  5. Oh, he'll probably use the information that the shooter obtained guns on-site as 'proof' that it wasn't 'gun free'. Ignoring that 'official' 'authorized' persons are always allowed to have guns in 'gun free' zones.

    He'll also ignore that a shooter targeting known 'official' persons on site in a 'gun free' zone exposes the obvious flaws in his approval of security or police being the only one's allowed to have guns in a 'gun free' zone.
