Monday, October 14, 2013

A Confederate Flag At The White House

Cranking up the moonbat meter to "More Disturbed," Sarah Palin (not to be left out of all the hubbub in DC) joined Ted Cruz in storming the WWII memorial and protesting...their own behavior? What is it about that place that just brings out the douche? Guilt?

Anyway, the most disturbing part of that story was this image.

A confederate flag at the White House? Really?!??


  1. Only disturbing because of what you attach as the meaning of the flag. If you were reflective you may notice that others may attach differing meanings. Said differing meanings are probably what is meant by the person actually displaying it.

    But no, you'd rather attach your own meaning, and insist that is what is meant by somebody else.

    No different than any other time you decide what somebody's words mean, despite what the somebody says to the contrary.

  2. The meaning of the Confederate flag is exactly the same now as it was during the Civil War.

    Then it was the symbol of people who would destroy the union to continue a system of oppression against an entire sector of society, denying them the most basic human rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    Now it is the symbol of people who would destroy the economy of the union to continue denying medical care to an entire sector of society, denying them a basic human right: life. Because without proper medical treatment you can die. Without your health you are imprisoned in your own body, a slave to disease, and pursuing happiness is impossible.

    It's true that lack of medical care won't kill most people outright. But it shortens lives by decades, and makes people dependent on government because they can no longer work due to disabilities caused by untreated chronic diseases like diabetes.

    The irony is that the people are going to be most affected by Tea Party rejection of the ACA live in the states that flew the Confederate flag. States that today receive far more cash from the federal government than they pay in taxes.

  3. N starts by saying the meaning is "exactly" the same as it was....

    Then spends several paragraphs explaining how it is different....


  4. The irony is that the people are going to be most affected by Tea Party rejection of the ACA live in the states that flew the Confederate flag. States that today receive far more cash from the federal government than they pay in taxes.

    Right and that's why the Right are sharting themselves right now because they know that once the ACA is up and running, they are fucking toast. People in those red states are going to flip and not just because of demographics. I think Texas will be the first.

  5. I guess this means hammer and sickle flags at pro-Obamacare rallies will now be significant and not brushed under the rug by a compliant media because it doesn't help the optics?

    Assuming, of course, this wasn't an agent provocateur like the lady teacher with the racist sign at a Tea Party or some such event a while back.

  6. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Of course, notice how the image was so heavily cropped that you couldn't tell that it was only a single flag, how large the crowd was, what kind of people they are, or what they were doing.

    Pure, unadulterated partisan lying via cherry picking.
