Thursday, October 24, 2013

Demons of Progess

A recent discussion on Facebook made me realize that my frustration with conservatives has two levels. The first is that I simply don't understand how they can believe the lies that are peddled to them inside of the bubble. These fictional tales can easily be torpedoed by a simple check of the facts. But that's not even the worst part.

The second level is what really drives me nuts. That's when they very erroneously believe that liberals are the ones that are actually brainwashed. Their media are the ones telling the lies and only conservative media tells the truth. They essentially turn it around (Projection/Flipping) and truly think people like me are the ones that have fallen victim to the "liberal" media. This notion is completely false.

With each level, no amount of reality will persuade them yet I think we are coming to a turning point in this country in terms of information gathering. The conservative bubble isn't going to hold for all that much longer as reality comes crashing in (climate change, antiquated gun laws, poor macroeconomic policy etc) and destroys it. I already know that, while there is certainly liberal bias out there, it's not the out and out lying and propaganda that we see coming from the Right. Liberals, by nature and definition, are very reflective people and recognize the shortcomings of their own views and policies. That's where the over-analysis comes in to play. Conservatives are the exact opposite. They don't reflect at all, are set in their ways, never change and under analyze.

They are, in short, the demon to progress and that's why I can never be one.


  1. It never ceases to amaze me how utterly shamelessly you steal, redirect, flip and project back toward the right EVERYTHING ever said about you......

    It's not even original thought.

  2. It's the old, "I'm made of rubber, you're made of glue. Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you!" defense of the first grader on the playground. Markadelphia's constant refrain of calling us adolescents is probably a deep-seated envy-based resentment because he knows deep down he is still psycho-emotionally a small child who wants to be taken care of. That makes our worldview threatening and scary to him, and it and us must be literally demonized. His efforts to transform us into "The Other" to which anything may be done in the name of the Defense of the Greater Good are proceeding, as are others I read on the fever-swamp sites of the left. It'd be troubling if it weren't so gosh darn pathetic.
