Tuesday, October 29, 2013

No Revolution

I poked my head into Kevin Baker's site, The Smallest Minority, for the first time since I was voted off and found this. Aside from the usual warped and psychotic rightwingblogspeak, I'm trying to figure out what he meant by this...

I'm reminded once again of Thomas Sowell's A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles, his magnum opus. I recommend you read (if you haven't) my überpost on it from January, 2010. 

This will not end well.

Obviously it could be the usual bloviating anger and irrational fear  backed up with absolutely nothing (why do they continue to think that posting on blogs makes you powerful and scary?) but I think perhaps that Kevin truly believes that he and his fellow cult members might need to "take back the country." To that, I say this..

There will be no revolution as long as men have titties. 


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Of course you don't understand! That would require actually understanding what Mr. Sowell writes… and math… and logic… and evidence… and critical thinking… and… well, anything.

    Heck, even acknowledging that a conservative has made an argument is a stretch for you.

    Here's a hint: total collapse does not require opposition.

  2. That you would read that and automatically assume it meant revolution shows that you have the mind that leans toward anger and irrational fear.

    Your own edifice will crash because its foundation is faulty.

  3. why do they continue to think that posting on blogs makes you powerful and scary?

    Oh and.... the pen is mightier than the sword??? Ideas are powerful???

    Unless of course you seek to minimize and ridicule the ideas that are counter to yours because you can't out-idea them. Then of course 'those people' are just wasting time right?

  4. Anonymous4:13 PM

    It's interesting to look at what you had to skip just to find a little nugget that you could twist to fit your paranoid delusions:

    Exposed how your side lied via statistic to push an anti-self-defense agenda

    A link to articles where your side is arguing for a case-by-case "death panel"

    A look at what is wrong with Common Core

    A suggested Constitutional amendment focused on balancing the budget

    • And even the majority of the post you quoted from which discussed the FACT that you and your side are willing to tell any lie and break any law just to get your way.

  5. When is this "total collapse" going to occur? And what form will it take? You guys all seem very sure of yourselves so specifics should be no problem.

  6. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Funny thing about chaos, it's mighty hard to predict. Countries have failed in so many different ways. The only thing that's entirely predictable right now is that the money will run out. The government will be unable to pay all its bills or borrow money. What happens after that is pure guesswork.

  7. A great example of a comment as to why I don't much care to engage in these discussions anymore. You don't even have a fundamental understanding of monetary policy in this country and are completely blinded by your terribly warped ideology.

  8. Anonymous1:22 PM

    It's called "math".

    The reason these discussions aren't fruitful is because you can't wrap your head around the FACT that math supersedes ideology. Your ideological arguments require ignoring math.

  9. Anonymous1:29 PM

    BTW, it's a really bad idea to throw around accusations of not understanding the fundamentals of economics when it has been clearly and thoroughly demonstrated beyond doubt that you do not understand the basics.
