Thursday, October 03, 2013

Senator Right Wing Blogger

If America wanted to know what it would be like to have a right wing blogger for a Senator, now they do...Ted Cruz from Texas. Let's make sure he has the basics first.

Massive hubris...check
Sole conviction=own vanity...check
Adolescent power fantasies....check
Temper tantrum...check
Compromise seen as weakness...check
Undeterred by facts and new information...check
Bullying and baiting...check

So, all the fundamentals are there. Adding in the core element of having no real goals or policy (other than to burn the house down in a full on teenage fit) and it's plain to see what life in this country would be like when bloviating buffoons are put in charge.

But there's one other characteristic that is needed for the complete picture: cowardice. That's right, these people are fucking cowards. They light fires and then run away laughing. That's exactly what Cruz has done here and the people that love and support him do the same thing in the media and the blogsphere.

The good news is that this will eventually come back to bite him on the ass as it did with Sarah Palin. In many ways, Cruz is now the Honey Boo Boo of Washington DC sort of like half term Governor Palin...ugly, uneducated and a relatively short shelf life.


  1. Cruz could implode at any time. Remember when he said he was going to renounce his Canadian citizenship last August? Well, he has yet to do that: the Canadian government requires that you submit proof of citizenship in another country to renounce citizenship. So far, Cruz has not done that.

    Because he was born in Canada, Cruz's entire claim to US citizenship is based on his mother being born here. To prove that, Cruz would have to provide his mother's birth certificate, but so far the only evidence Cruz has presented is, "My mom said so."

    But even that presents a problem. ... [H]e therefore falls under a special section of the Immigration and Nationality Act that applies to “Birth Abroad to One Citizen and One Alien Parent.” Under that provision, Cruz only qualifies for American citizenship if his mother was “physically present” in the United States for 10 years prior to his birth, five of which had to be after she reached the age of 14. The only definitive way to prove Eleanor Cruz’s 10 years of physical presence would be with documents such as leases, school registration, utility bills or tax records.

    With stuff like this hidden in Cruz's closet, his fall could be extremely precipitous.

  2. Demonizing opposing viewpoints..... check.
