Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Gun Free Zone Lie

The evidence continues to mount that the emotionally fueled and asinine idea that gun free zones are the proverbial honey to killer bees is completely ridiculous. A disgruntled National Guard recruiter shot two military personnel at an armory outside a Navy facility near Memphis on Thursday. Yes, that's ARMORY.

Let's see...that's Kirkwood City Hall, Fort Hood, the Navy Yard in DC, the gun range in Texas where Chris Kyle was killed and now this. Those are just the ones off of the top of my head. A little research shows that there have been many more.

Of course Media Matters did a piece after the Navy Yard shooting that pretty much torpedoed the gun free zone lament. This study and this study point out that there is not a single case from 1982 to 2012 that contains evidence that the shooters chose their targets because they were "gun free" and that fewer that one quarter of mass shootings in public spaces from January 2009 through January 2013 occurred in gun-free zones.

Whether or not a facility is armed is inconsequential. We should be spending more time on the mental health aspects of these cases (and keeping guns out of the hands of said individuals) and zero time entertaining the adolescent feelings of the gun community who don't like being told what to do and where. I wish they would just be honest and admit that they want to be able to carry their gun wherever they want because they have a problem with authority and are fucking children who need to have their toys with them at all times.


  1. Do you ever actually think about what you write before doing so?

    An armory? Wow. Like, that's like totally full of guns right?

    Did it ever occur to you to question whether the people in an armory were armed? Or perhaps, in your ignorance, you have no friggin idea and it's completely likely that all the guns in the armory are locked up in a secure area within the armory.....


    And I disproved your city hall example the last time you brought it up.

    Of course this entire post is a straw man argument to begin with, as you are misconstruing the argument.

  2. By Markadelphia's "reasoning" based on some of the "examples" he gives, most schools aren't gun-free zones because police with guns are only a couple of minutes away. Sheesh.
