Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The House of Right Wing Bloggers

Yesterday was Exhibit A in terms of what our government would be like if it was run by the right wing blogsphere. Adolescent, chaotic, emotional outbursts, no cohesion, bloviating with no real defined goals ...that was the House of Representatives yesterday. They tried to come up with a plan to counter the Senate's effort to end the shutdown but couldn't do it. Can they even govern anymore?

John Boehner may very well lose his speakership over this but then again he might not. Who else is going to take his place? The GOP is so fractured and splintered now that any power they may have held onto after the 2012 elections is now gone. Like an obstinate teenager, they have not improved their situation politically. They have not made any inroads with women and Latinos nor have they moderated their message to appeal to independents. In fact, their disapproval among independents is now at 70 percent with their approval ratings split 50-50 within their own party!

So, the lesson for folks like Kevin Baker (who oddly commented here recently after voting me off his own site...huh?) is this: you don't know what the fuck you are doing. You are completely out of your depth. You need to go to therapy and work on your problems with authority and losing. Your juvenile emotions cloud any ability you might have to solve our nation's problems. Time for you and your ilk to be sent to military school while the adults (as they always do) take care of the business of America.

In short, say goodbye to GOP control of the House of Representatives.


  1. Thank you for your esteemed comments. We will take them in all the seriousness they deserve. Because Kevin's readers voted you off for serial dishonesty and obtusity (I reluctantly voted against the request to leave, though with grave doubts) doesn't mean he gave up the "right" to comment on your site, O Obtuseness Personified, unless you've banned him? Your concern trolling on "behalf" of the Establishment GOP is duly noted.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Damned double-posting. Don't have a clue what caused that to happen...

  4. "They have not made any inroads with women and Latinos nor have they moderated their message to appeal to independents."

    You don't understand, Mark. They don't need to compromise their dogmas to get their way, all they have to do is enact voter ID laws and prevent those people from voting in their own states, and then use the filibuster, blackmail and extortion to hold the government hostage to get what they want.

    And none of this matters anyway. As Michele Bachmann told us, the world is about to end in fiery apocalypse because Obama gave non-lethal aid to the opposition forces in Syria who are possibly/maybe/of course linked to Al Qaeda.

  5. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Adolescent, chaotic, emotional outbursts, no cohesion, bloviating with no real defined goals

    Note the tone and actual content of Mark's post. Pure projection.

  6. Poor confused Markaderpia. One minute the GOP is a monolithic entity marching in lockstep, the next minute hopelessly fractured and about to disappear, then all locksteppy again. It must be a very a dark and confusing world in that poor little head. Smelly, too, from all the intestinal gases constantly passing over and through it.
