Friday, November 08, 2013

Intellectually Bankrupt Indeed

I can't think of a better example of just how intellectually bankrupt and adolescent Ayn Rand followers (see: right wing blogsphere) are than the recent admission of plagiarism from Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. The words "Rand" and "plagiarize" do seem to fit together in some sort of perfect way, don't they? Being a Randian isn't really all that deep nor intelligent (obviously, if they cut and paste from Wikipedia) and essentially can be summed up in one sentence.

It's OK to be a douchebag.

Update: Apparently, it's OK to plagiarize as well. has just hired Rand Paul. 


  1. I haven't followed this all that carefully, but from what coverage I've read, this is the problem:

    "On Tuesday, Paul's senior adviser said the material was staff given to the senator were not properly sourced and that they would be now using a new system."

    That is, the people who really write Paul's speeches and books don't understand the first thing about how to write anything but politically slanted tirades.

    I'm sure Paul knows that references to other material should be credited, and the incredulous expression on his face when he responds to these accusations seems to be screaming, "Come on, you guys know this isn't my fault! Some idiot intern screwed me over on this!"

    And we all know this is the reality: senators spend all their waking hours calling donors for campaign contributions. They don't have the time to write their own books and speeches. They leave all that drudge work to the GS1s and GS2s who actually do all the work in the office.

    Yeah, the person who's really at fault here is probably some 22-year-old Liberty University grad with a degree in Christian Leadership and Management, who wrote all his class papers by copying and pasting from the Internet.

    But Paul would look sort of dorky pinning all the blame on that kid.

  2. I'm curious, can I pin on you two every ill of any politician who shares the same (D) as you do?

    If I find a (D) who thinks Guam will tip over if too many people are on it, can I therefore assume you are just as much of an idiot?

    I ask, because that seems to be your MO.

  3. You two clowns voted for a serial plagiarizer for Vice-President, so I don't see what you're so high and mighty about. Fucking hypocritical bozos.
