Saturday, December 28, 2013

Uh Oh

Tom Steyer may be liberals' answer to the Koch brothers

For years, liberals have fretted about the power of ultrawealthy people determined to use their billions to advance their political views. Charles and David Koch, in particular, have ranked high in the demonology of the American left. But in Steyer, liberals have a billionaire on their side. Like the Kochs, he is building a vast political network and seizing opportunities provided by loose campaign finance rules to insert himself into elections nationwide. In direct contrast to them, he has made opposition to fossil fuels and the campaign against global warming the center of his activism.

And he's much younger than the Kochs, now in their 80s.


  1. Uh oh? Why, because now money won't be a bad thing politically? Holy hypocrisy liberal-boy!

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    What happened to Soros and tons of other liberal jerks? There is plenty of money on the left.
