Saturday, January 25, 2014

From the Iowa GOP Facebook Page

Pretty much sums up their maturity level. And this.

I guess it was taken down rather quickly:)


  1. You don't seem to get the depth of Maher's joke which shows just how dense you are. He's making fun of people who are racist because they think those things.

    Why would the Iowa GOP put it up and then take it down?

  2. How is the above link not factual, GD?

    The image in this post is rooted in myth, DARVO, and adolescent inability to admit fault.

  3. Your reply is rooted deeply within the bubble of your own self-reinforcing confirmation bias Mark.

    Factual? Name the facts contained.

  4. Republicans fight vociferously for tax cuts for the wealth and trickle down economics. They are against programs that help the middle and lower class.

    Republicans are pro life and want to ascribe 14th amendment rights and government protection to a fetus but as soon as the child is out of the womb, government support of any kind vanishes. Pro life my ass.

  5. You did not present any FACT that supports your position that Republican DO NOT CARE about either poor people or non-fetus'.

    If, as you assert, that graphic is factual then it shouldn't be hard to advance such a case using said facts.....

    But it is an exemplar of the bubble you inhabit.
