Thursday, March 27, 2014

Gunning Down Obamacare

If there was any doubt left about the maturity level of the GOP...


  1. Who is Will Brook? How hard did you have to look to find this - oh, wait, your talking points providers did that for you, didn't they?

  2. Say goodbye to your Iowa senate seat markadelphia ("some farmer"...and that guy wants to represent Iowa?) and an anti-gun democrat in CA gets busted running guns, but I'm sure you were going to talk about both those things tomorrow on here right? No news is good news, all the momentum is totally on your side.

  3. Hey Rob, do you think you could ever offer anything more than an in the moment, adolescent retort? For example, which GOP candidate do you think can beat Braley and why?

    For future reference, just type "n'yah n'yah boo boo" and it will basically convey the same message:)

  4. ust type "n'yah n'yah boo boo" and it will basically convey the same message:

    Kinda like the message you provided in this post?

  5. Whatever markadelphia. You just didn't like the content of my post, you don't care about the adolescence because you tolerated posts like that for years on here from the likes of torch, eddie, truthgirl, etc.
