Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Pro Life My Ass

Bodies of 800 babies, long-dead, found in septic tank at former Irish home for unwed mothers.

More than five decades after the Home was closed and destroyed — where a housing development and children’s playground now stands — what happened to nearly 800 of those abandoned children has now emerged: Their bodies were piled into a massive septic tank sitting in the back of the structure and forgotten, with neither gravestones nor coffins. 

“The bones are still there,” local historian Catherine Corless, who uncovered the origins of the mass grave in a batch of never-before-released documents, told The Washington Post in a phone interview. “The children who died in the Home, this was them.”


  1. How many abortions take place in the US each year again?

    Oh, 1.2 million.

    And you are in favor of killing 1.2 million per year in this county alone?

    But, but but but.... a story about 600 dead offends YOUR sensibilities.

    Yeah, right.

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    50+ years ago no less....what a moron.
