Friday, June 27, 2014

The Thad Tizzy

I'm still trying to figure out why the Tea Baggers and other malcontent conservatives are pissed off about Thad winning the runoff in Mississippi. Democrats can vote in primary elections. It's the law. Why are the being all whiny about it? Don't the Republicans want to expand their base? What better way to do so than by illustrating to African American voters in the state that Thad Cochran considers their interests as well.

It will never cease to amaze me how conservatives continue to do everything in their power to contract their voting base.


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Democrats can vote in primary elections. It's the law. Why are the being all whiny about it?

    This is why your posts are laughable and you get called out on almost every one of them. You don't even have any idea what you are posting but just want to get your partisan shot in.

    It is ILLEGAL to vote in the Democrat Primary and the Republican Runoff. That's the LAW. Not that you care as you excuse breaking the law by anyone with a D behind their name.

  2. No comment Markadelphia? Can we interpret your silence as you refusing to admit that you may have been wrong? You constantly accuse conservatives of never admitting they are wrong. A simple google search confirms what 6kings said. Man up or run away. What else are you peddling on here that is false?
