Sunday, July 27, 2014

Good Question

Here is a great question from Quora...

If the United States is in crisis, as the Republicans tell us, why can't they come together with the president and support policies that will help? Why can't they work with the president to fix it?

The best answer so far...

It is the crisis that Republicans are creating. I'm not trying to be cute and flip the question back at you. This is my sincere, objective judgement of the state of the nation. I'm more than willing to concede a point to anyone, but all is hear from Republicans is arrogance, contempt, dishonest tactics and a political agenda based on insulting everyone that disagrees....disagrees with a profoundly ignorant set of petulant obsessions.

One thing he forgot was the shrill cry from conservatives that it's actually the Democrats that are all these things but I supposed that could be put under the category of dishonest tactics.

There was also this brilliant comment on this answer.

The far-right lurch that the Republican party took with the Tea Party faction is troublesome. Germany experienced a similar faction in 1920 and there are several parallels in attitudes and policies shared by both. Rationalizing that they are different in different times does not remotely diminish the destructive right-wing actions. A party not working in concert with the leaders of a nation are harming the nation with its bullying and lack of cooperation, plain and simple. Anyone, even with a diminished ability to think, sees no leadership in an approach that has nothing constructive to add, only blocking tactics.

This is exactly how totalitarian governments are born. And they always start with accusing the other side of being totalitarian:)


  1. Well, if you are a partisan retard this is probably a great mystery. I have to tell you that every wonder of Quora you bring up convinces me that you can't move an inch outside of your bubble.

  2. This is exactly how totalitarian governments are born. And they always start with accusing the other side of being totalitarian:)

    Oh how irony is so lost on you.

  3. Could it possibly be that they sincerely believe the President's policies to either be ineffective or actually making the problems worse? In which case, you'd be asking them to actively aid and abet that which they think is ineffective at best, or causing or exacerbating the problems, at worst.

    Why couldn't Democrats get behind and work with President Bush? Except, of course, they did with the awful Patriot Act, and the Medicare Part D mess. Oh, and No Child Left Behind, co-authored by Ted Kennedy. All of which I think were stupid and awful.

  4. See Larry, those damn Congressional Republicans aren't taking the opportunity to continue that wonderful spirit of progress and bi-partisanship!

    They must be denounced, and when denouncing isn't enough, I guess the left will start demanding violence in the streets - because the stupid fuckers are never going to win every election.

  5. Maybe you could highlight the actual rated best answer rather than the one that best matches your biased and preconceived world view.

    You know, like you used to say - getting out into the wider world and letting your ideas stand the scrutiny of a larger audience. In that case, what you consider 'good words' are not considered such by the majority of people in that wider audience.

  6. Why GD are you suggesting that M is filtering out anything that doesn't fit his pre-existing biases?

    I of course would never suggest such a thing.
