Sunday, August 17, 2014

Good Words

From a question on Quora...

I worked in public schools for many years and am a graduate of public schools in the most conservative region of the country. I have yet to observe anything like indoctrination of any kind. 

I'm really not sure how these urban legends or political mythologies start. I don't know any teachers who have time to brainwash children. Most appear to be very busy managing classes, teaching lessons and doing required paperwork. 

Anybody who went into the classroom thinking there are all these young minds into which ideologies can simply be poured would find out very quickly that kids have the ability to think for themselves and come to the school with the cultural values they learn at home.


1 comment:

  1. I have yet to observe anything like indoctrination of any kind.

    That isn't surprising, it is very easy to not see all kinds of things around you, particularly when you are buried inside a bubble that filters out what you don't want to see. Much harder to take in things that don't comport to the patterns you expect.
