Sunday, November 16, 2014

That Loser Obama

For someone who just lost an election, President Obama looks an awful lot like a winner. That's largely due to his recent trip to Asia in which he secured deals with China on carbon emissions and trade. The latter is massive considering the reduction in trade tariffs that the new agreement outlines. And the agreement on carbon emissions is the first of its kind between the world's two biggest carbon polluters.

The president has set the tone for the last two years of his presidency. He is going to get things done-with or without Congress-and that's likely going to be a problem for the group of 12 year-olds that are desperate to see him fail. What they need to understand is that it's in their best interest (see: 2016) to be able to point to some achievements that they had a hand in. Failure to do so will not sit well when the voter turnout goes above 40 percent:)

1 comment:

  1. You don't understand the strategy.

    Winning in the off-year elections allowed conservatives to gerrymander districts and pass voter ID and other laws to suppress voter turnout so that they can win in 2016.

    Selective enforcement of draconian drug laws ("broken windows policing") has turned millions of black men into felons who have lost their right to vote in many states.
