Thursday, December 18, 2014

The President Does It Again

I guess Barack Obama is not going to go gently into that good night for the last two years of his 2nd term. Once again, a giant FUCK YOU to the old white men who continue to blather about communism (see: right wing bloggers).

What really cracks me up about conservatives' reaction to this is that they are calling it a loss. Of course, they don't really think this because they know that within a decade Cubans are going to be fiddling on social media as America's soft economic power exerts its hegemonic will on one of the few remaining nations that hasn't really joined the 21st century global marketplace. They will become "Americanized" to one degree or another just like the rest of the planet. Conservatives know this will end up being (gasp!) yet another success for the man their inferiority complexes simply won't allow a win so they're pissed off about it and waxing "ideological nonsense."

I look forward to what the next two years will bring. Let's remember that Barack Obama was a community organizer so his faith in improving lives comes from his heart and soul, not his ego.

And now his community is our entire country...indeed, the world...


  1. Soooooo,

    Sanctions against a bad acting regime in the Gulf have to end because 'the don't work'

    says the same guy who placed sanctions against bad actors in south America and Russia....

    Cue cognitive dissonance.

  2. Conservatives like Sen. Bob Menendez?

  3. Obama gives the Castro regime in Cuba an undeserved bailout

    President Obama’s ‘betrayal’ of Cuban democrats

    Of course, what else could one expect from such a bastion of far-right politics as the ... Washington Post? Perhaps the resident "Teacher, Mentor, Historian, Economist" (snort) would like to address their points? Likely not, any more than he's ever addressed fellow Democrat Walter Russell Mead's points, despite promising to do so more than once. Must've been too difficult.
