Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fact Checking Obama's Economy

Recently, President Obama asked for a fact check on his statements on the economy. Politifact obliged. Here are the facts compared to what he asserted.

• The "economy kept growing." Official data on gross domestic product from the Commerce Department shows that the economy has been growing robustly in recent months.

In fact, it’s been growing so robustly that Republicans have been trying to claim credit for it, a view we have been skeptical of.

• The "stock market has more than doubled." On Jan. 20, 2009, the day Obama took office, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 7,949.09. On Feb. 19, 2015, it stood at 17,985.77. That’s more than twice as much.

One would think people would be more grateful to the president as any American with a stock portfolio and/or 401K has massively improved their investments on the president's watch. Their adolescent bullshit simply won't let them, I guess.

 • "Deficits are down by two-thirds." We recently checked Obama’s claim that we've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds" and found it Mostly True.

• "America is creating jobs faster than at any time since the last time a Democrat was president." We recently checked Obama’s claim that the economy is "creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999," which is when Bill Clinton, a Democrat, was president. We rated Obama’s claim True.

• "Our manufacturers are creating jobs for the first time since the last time a Democrat was president." We didn’t check this claim before, but a quick look at Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that, except some small and brief upward blips in 2004, Obama is right. Manufacturing employment has been rising, slowly but surely, since 2010. We have also checked Obama’s claim that "factories are opening their doors at the fastest pace in almost two decades." We rated that Mostly True.

• "Health care inflation is running at the lowest rate in almost 50 years." We have reported that data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis that shows health care inflation, as of the end of 2013, was about 1 percent per year — the lowest since the early 1960s.

• "Our deficits are falling faster than they have in 60 years." When Obama claimed that "our deficits are falling at the fastest rate in 60 years," we rated it True. (And for readers seeking a refresher course on the "deficit" and the "debt," here’s a rundown.)

Given all of these facts, why won't opponents of the president simply admit that he's done a damn fine job? After all, they do pride themselves on logical, fact based, rational thought, right?


  1. The "stock market has more than doubled."

    Yay for the One Percent! What does that do for everyone else?

    "Deficits are down by two-thirds."

    Ah-ha, mostly true. But let's hear it for divided govt and the sequester (credit where it's due - that was an Obama idea also) - c'mon folks give it up for that!

    "America is creating jobs faster than at any time since the last time a Democrat was president."

    Because America is ONLY America when a Democrat is in the White House, amirite?

    Given all of these facts, why won't opponents of the president simply admit that he's done a damn fine job?

    Maybe because, at least some of us - the adults - know that the President is not ruler of the economy. He shouldn't get credit or blame for the economy any more than he should for the weather. Only the most stupid (and to be fair they exist on both sides of the aisle) insist on ascribing god-like qualities to the Presidency in general (and their own partisan in particular).

  2. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Huh, I guess if you pick individual items, he has some bright spots. Of course, additional parts of the equation:

    Worst 8 year Run for Economy


    Without Texas, US is net negative jobs


    Big Unemployment lies

    Stock market by many accounts is in bubble territory. Economic competitiveness is getting worse. The underlying economic factors are all weak. US debt will have doubled by the time Obama leaves office. Lower Gas prices (lately) and Shale Oil drilling have provided massive benefits for the US that prop up the economic condition.

    There are bright spots but there always are, even in a recession. I hope things are turning for the better but lots of warning signs look ominous.
