Saturday, February 21, 2015

Republicans Take Credit For Economy

I'm happy to report that Republicans have finally admitted that Barack Obama is no longer destroying the economy. They are, however, now of the mind that the improvement of the economy is due to them winning back all of Congress last fall. This little ditty started last month with Mitch McConnnell who has since been taken to the mat over his bizarre version of reality.

I guess we can safely tuck away the boiling pit of sewage:)


  1. What makes you think that anyone cares what Mitch McConnell says? I mean, short of people that are as Republican as you are Democrat?

  2. Seriously M - when have you ever had a commenter say "hey, that McConnell, he's the best thing since sliced bread"?

  3. I guess we can safely tuck away the boiling pit of sewage:)

    I thought you were going to stop using that phrase, as you said you would?
