Monday, March 09, 2015

Enjoying The Republican Reaction

I have to admit that I'm enjoying the Republican reaction to the Hillary email (see: Fake Scandal #389). As they usually do, they end up making things worse for themselves than for their intended target.

Lindsey Graham: I've never sent an email

Wow...way to go, dude!! You've managed to sound antiquated, completely out of touch, technologically illiterate and dishonest all at the same many ways, an excellent summation of the Republican party today.

Even Republican media strategists like Rick Wilson aren't helping either.

After eagerly cheerleading Barack Obama for eight years, they stood ready to help break the ultimate glass ceiling and play their role as part of the uncritical chorus of Hillary Clinton’s coronation, first as the Democratic nominee then as President. It’s why they hate this story. 

Complete straw man. Worse, if you read the whole piece, he ends up contradicting himself and offers no real solutions to our actual problems.

Why does the Right hate the media so much? Because they call them on their bullshit and have fat faces with their facts and stuff. The media loves this story about Hillary because they are operating under the false assumption that the rest of the country gives a shit. The only people that care are the media and right wing bloggers. Go ask a couple of average Americans if they even know about Hillary's email kerfuffle. They will probably respond with a query about what's being done about actual problems like climate change, immigration, wage stagnation or the institutional racism that is present in our criminal justice system.

The real scandal last week was the Justice Department's findings with Ferguson. If the presidential candidates were smart and wanted more votes, they'd be talking more about this. So far, the only one that is talking about it is Rand Paul. Smart guy...


  1. I thought Rasmussen wasn't a reliable polling outfit. Further, is there any polling data out there which ranks the importance of the Hillary email issue with other issues?

  2. I thought Rasmussen wasn't a reliable polling outfit

    I thought using a commenter’s prior statements in a later thread was against the rules now?

    is there any polling data out there which ranks the importance of the Hillary email issue with other issues?

    How about these:

    Most Important Problem

    Gallup released a poll last week showing that Americans ranked their government as the “most important problem facing the U.S.”

    Huh. While I didn't find anything specific to Hillary, if most Americans find the biggest problem facing our country is government - then I'd say a person who was either so incredibly stupid as to run secure email through a non-secure server or so incredibly criminal to ensure that they had total control over who gets access to those official emails is pretty much ranking up on the list of untrustworthy potential government personnel.

  3. Rasmussen's polling has been called into questions by people on both sides of the political aisle. I'm not saying they're good or bad...just that they have been called into question. Why? What's the evidence for this? Is it even valid?

    Regarding the poll, I'm certainly dissatisfied with government but that's because they spend time on BS like Hillary's emails as opposed know...actually solving our nation's problems.

    I get why conservatives are very excited about this non scandal. They see a chance at taking Hillary down a notch or two because if she runs, she's going to kick their ass. What they are absolutely failing to do (once again) is see that they still aren't offering solutions to problems. They are so focused on winning with gotchas that they aren't making their case to the nation as to why people should vote for them.

    They will continue to lose election after election until they break out of this adolescent cycle. Of course, that would involved actually pointing to accomplishments and therein lies the problem. They don't have any because their policies have largely failed.

    And that's why people are dissatisfied with government. The Republican run Congress has an approval rating of 18 percent. What does that tell you?

  4. I get why conservatives are very excited about this non scandal

    Seems to have a number of left-of-center folks are concerned as well. And Jonah Goldberg doesn't see this as bringing down Hillary.

  5. The Republican run Congress has an approval rating of 18 percent. What does that tell you?

    It tells me that Democrats 'approve' of their own a lot more unconditionally then Republicans do.

  6. Lindsey Graham: I've never sent an email

    Wow...way to go, dude!! You've managed to sound antiquated, completely out of touch, technologically illiterate and dishonest all at the same many ways, an excellent summation of the Republican party today.

    So do you characterize Bill Clinton the same way?

    Bill Clinton doesn’t use email. The former president, who does regularly use Twitter has sent a grand total of two emails during his entire life, both as president, says Matt McKenna, his spokesman.

    Considering Bill is the Democratic version of Reagan...does this sum up the Democrat party today as well?

  7. I guess I'm wondering if Lindsey Graham uses twitter. If Bill Clinton skipped email and went straight to twitter, that puts him as more tech savvy than Graham.

  8. ... that puts him as more tech savvy than Graham.

    Talk about damning with faint praise.

    Graham is an ass, no wonder you want to focus on him. What is that saying about false equivalences?
