Saturday, March 07, 2015

Supreme Court of United States Gives Air Time To Right Wing Blogger

It comes as  absolutely no surprise to me that the face of King V Burwell suffers from Obama Mental Meltdown Syndrome.

The man who could cripple Obamacare isn’t shy about telling the world that he thinks the president is an “idiot,” posting altered images of the first lady in Middle Eastern clothing and expressing his hatred for the “Democraps” who enacted the health care law.

A review of King’s public social media accounts show he is a proud grandfather who loves his family, enjoys cooking and sharing photos from conservative blogs. One image shows a photo from the movie “Back to the Future” with instructions to the time traveler: “Marty, there is no time to lose. You must go back in time and give Obama’s dad a condom.”

On Facebook, King frequently criticizes Obamacare and immigration policies and espouses support for limited government, the Second Amendment and Republican political candidates. He jokes often that the federal government is watching him.


So, somehow, the Supreme Court of the United States managed to give air time to a fucking right wing blogger. I do take heart in one thing, though...

“So do you think NSA, FBI and the other three letter government workers watch face book? Just wonder because if they do I’ll have a house full of them soon. I guess we will be able to enjoy a cold beer and make fun of the idiot in the White House,” he posted on Oct. 8, 2013. “I sued the irs over this bull shit so … get ready.”

So much for the "frivolous" lawsuits meme!


  1. Despite wishing to the contrary, even right wing bloggers enjoy equal rights in this country.

    Face it, half this country is of the other political party than the other half. Just because one doesn't agree with a person's politics does not mean they don't get to express those politics - even up to the Supreme Court.

    As for the Crippling of ObamaCare? It ain't a man that would do it. If the Court rules that it is unconstitutional - then THAT is exactly what it is. Not because some 'right wing blogger' destroyed it, but because it was broke when written.

    Any other crying is just a version of 'right wing mental meltdown syndrome'.

    And I really doubt a suit that is anywhere near frivolous would have made it this far.

  2. was broke when written.

    That's right, just like Nancy Pelosi said - because she had no fucking clue what was actually in the bill that she shepherded.

    Writing a lousy law falls entirely on the Congress that passed it (and the President who signed it), not on some poor SOB trying to make his own ends meet.
