Monday, March 02, 2015

The Gun Cult Completely Dismantled

I love how Jefferies takes apart every single argument made by members of the Gun Cult. He's right...there really is only one valid argument to have a gun...because they like them. The rest are all bullshit.

Of course, that's not the best part, though. The comparison of slavery to gun rights is so fucking spot on that I found myself laughing out loud. Not surprising that it's the descendants of the same people who bitched about their right to own slaves being taken away that are now screaming, "Don't take away my guns!!!!"


  1. Not surprising that it's the descendants of the same people who bitched about their right to own slaves being taken away that are now screaming, "Don't take away my guns!!!!"

    As a descendent of abolitionists who did a lot more than talk big, but put their lives on the line (every single male of military age from that generation of the family) in a combat regiment starting in the summer of 1861, I find that sneer remarkably offensive. That's the sort of smirking smear that makes me want to hit back twice as hard (if I'm feeling nice), even if it's not intentionally aimed at me. Intentional or not, the grand sweeping over-generalization is inclusive. (and if you don't understand why, well, that's just illustrative of a certain point made by many different people at many different times) Sigh.

  2. Absolutely Larry.

    I have to wonder if the originator of this statement somehow thinks that nobody west of the Mississippi or north of the Mason-Dixon has guns.

    It really is a rather offensive bit of prejudiced hatred.

  3. It really doesn't matter why I want to own any particular gun, any more so than why I choose to own any particular vehicle. Despite the potential mayhem that may result from misuse of either.
