Monday, December 21, 2015

And Then There Were 13....

Well, Lindsey Graham is out of the GOP race. Does anyone really care? I for one will miss his little seen performances in the undercard debates:)

That leaves the following candidates:

Jim Gilmore: Who? Or, more appropriately, why?

George Pataki: He must be looking in horror at what his party has become. See also: extinct species, Northeast Republican

Rick Santorum: The evangelical vote is no more
Mike Huckabee: see Rick Santorum

Carly Fiorina: She has her 15 minutes. Now she's trying to repeat them over and over again.
Rand Paul: There aren't enough sensible libertarians out there.
John Kasich: Probably the most qualified and reasonable GOP candidate in the mix which is why he'll never get above 2 percent.

Jeb Bush: He does indeed remind the entire nation of your awkward father.

Ben Carson: When he finally showed some energy, he was just...weird.

Chris Christie: I think this guy could surprise some people in New Hampshire.

Marco Rubio: Currently down or flat lining but still in the top three. If he can win an early primary, he might catch fire.
Ted Cruz: He will win Iowa. After that, it depends on his organization to get out the vote in the Southern states.
Donald Trump: Still the front runner and proof positive of maturity of the conservative base.

Note how I ordered and grouped each of the candidates. One of the last three will likely be the nominee, At this point, I'm hoping that it's Cruz. "Real" conservatives have assured me that if a true, deep red Republican were nominated, magic will happen and the silent majority will turn out to vote.

I can't wait.

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