Saturday, October 08, 2016

Boys Will Be Boys

Well, it looks like the Donald is in deep shit now! With the release of this video,

the GOP nominee's chances of becoming president have sunk to zero. Universal condemnations from fellow Republicans have rained down from everywhere over the last 24 hours. What amuses me about all of this is that they seem to be acting shocked. Is this really anything new from Trump? He's been like this all along and they have still supported him.

This video will probably be enough to turn Iowa back blue with all its evangelical voters. Arizona has been looking for an excuse to go blue as well lately. Given the likelihood that Trump won't drop out, a Hillary landslide, something that seemed implausible just a few weeks ago, now seems likely.

The best thing the GOP could do would be to dump Trump and have Pence be at the top of the ticket. Here's why that won't happen. I think that Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and other GOP leaders see an opportunity here to wrest control back from the short wave radio listener turned email forwarder turned blogger turned all social media believer crowd.

No doubt, the debate tomorrow night just got a whole lot more interesting. This is especially true given Trump's late night apology (see also: hostage) video in which he quickly shifted the blame to the Clinton...just like a good little conservative should:)

1 comment:

  1. After the election's over and Clinton has clobbered Trump in the polls I'm expecting to hear this announcement from him:

    Folks, it's time to come clean. I was only running for president to show how misogynistic and racist the Republican Party is. One day Bill Clinton and I were playing golf and talking about grabbing women by the pussy -- which I never did by the way, because I love and respect women -- and Bill suggested the whole idea.

    "Donald," he said, "You should run for president. You should pretend to be a racist, Mexican-hating, slut-shaming, fat-shaming, woman-assaulting, conspiracy-theory-peddling whack job and unindicted sex offender. The Republicans will go nuts for it."

    "But, Bill," I said. "No one would ever believe that I'm really like that. I only say those things and act that way for entertainment value. I'm really just an accomplished Method actor who always stays in character, like Steven Colbert before he sold out."

    "I know, Donald," Bill said. "But THEY don't know that. Republicans can't tell the difference between facts and Fox News. They'll swallow it hook, line and sinker. Plus, you'll finally get rich: just use your own planes, helicopters, hotels, and catering services. Charge the campaign double and triple the going rate: you'll get thousands of racist and sexist know-nothings to donate to your campaign!"

    "Why, sure, Bill," I said. "I've always liked you and Hillary, that's why I invited you to my wedding and defended you against those gold-digging sluts who went after you in the Oval Office. And I've said for years that Hillary would make a fantastic president or vice-president."

    And so, folks, I admit it was all a con, just like Trump University. I wanted to show what a pack of losers the Republican base is, so lacking in moral rectitude that they would vote for a pathetic, gun-toting, marriage-wrecking, genital-groping sack of cow dung posing as a billionaire.

    And yes, of COURSE this clown hair is a toupee!
