Friday, November 04, 2016

Did Trump Use Veteran's Donations to Pay for FBI Leaks on Clinton Emails?

Last week FBI director Comey announced that the FBI had found additional emails from Clinton's email server on Anthony Weiner's laptop. Comey thought he had to do this because of leaks about the FBI investigation.

It looks like Donald Trump gave millions of dollars to a former FBI agent who provided the Trump campaign with inside information from the FBI about the emails on Weiner's laptop.

From Politico:
[Jim Kallstrom, a] former top FBI official who has claimed insight into the bureau’s rank and file's outrage over the handling of an investigation into Hillary Clinton[,] confirmed Thursday that he has been in touch with active agents after denying it in an interview published earlier in the day.

Kallstrom, a Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War, is the founder of the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation, which was the beneficiary of the fundraiser Trump held last January instead of attending a GOP primary debate in Iowa. According to the Daily Beast, Kallstrom’s foundation has received at least three major gifts from the Manhattan billionaire, two of which came during the campaign, totaling over $1.3 million.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who Kallstrom told the Daily Beast is "a very good friend" of his, has similarly claimed to have a pipeline of information coming from the FBI's rank and file, offering a similar assessment of its mood to the one Kallstrom has. A week ago, Giuliani teased "a couple of surprises" from the Trump campaign just days before Comey announced that the FBI is examining additional, potentially new evidence related to Clinton's email scandal. He declined to elaborate at the time what those surprises would be, but said they would be "enormously effective."
This brings up a serious question: did Trump pay off Kallstrom with money raised for veterans in exchange for Kallstrom to use his connections at the FBI to get dirt on Clinton?

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