Sunday, January 29, 2017

Broccoli vs. Mustang Convertible

There have been all kinds of reasons cited for Trump's victory in November: Russian meddling, fake news, the FBI, sexism, racism, etc.

But the real question is why anyone would vote for Donald Trump in the first place. He's unqualified to be president at every level: in terms of competence, emotional stability, experience, even his physical health.

All the things people give as reasons for Trump's win are marginal: they just barely put him over the top. What provided his base of support in the first place?

After some consideration, I have discovered the answer: broccoli vs. the Mustang convertible.

Hillary Clinton -- and all the Republicans who ran against Trump in the primary -- was the mom who tells the kids to eat their broccoli.

She acknowledged real-world problems and offered real solutions.

Donald Trump was the divorced dad trying to win over the kids by promising them all Mustang convertibles.

He promised his core of true believers the moon and vowed to exact petty retribution for every imagined slight they've felt over the last eight years.

In the end, we really do need to eat our broccoli. And the divorced dad will never give us a Mustang convertible.

1 comment:

  1. But Nikto, children don't want to eat their broccoli!
