Friday, June 02, 2017

Whining Wonder Woman Wankers

After a couple of theaters announced they were going to have women-only screenings the new Wonder Woman film, a flock of insecure little bitches had to whine about it

One childish wanker apparently wrote a letter to the mayor of Austin threatening to boycott the city if they didn't host a men-only event:
"I hope every man will boycott Austin and do what he can to diminish Austin and to cause damage to the city's image. The theater that pandered to the sexism typical of women will, I hope, regret it's decision. The notion of a woman hero is a fine example of women's eagerness to accept the appearance of achievement without actual achievement. Women learn from an early age to value make-up, that it's OK to pretend that you are greater than you actually are. Women pretend they do not know that only men serve in combat because they are content to have an easier ride. Women gladly accept gold medals at the Olympics for coming in 10th and competing only against the second class of athletes. Name something invented by a woman! Achievements by the second rate gender pale in comparison to virtually everything great in human history was accomplished by men, not women. If Austin does not host a men only counter event, I will never visit Austin and will welcome it's deterioration. And I will not forget that Austin is best known for Charles Whitman. Does Austin stand for gender equality or for kissing up to women? Don't bother to respond. I already know the answer. I do not hate women. I hate their rampant hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of the 'women's movement.' Women do not want gender equality; they want more for women. Don't bother to respond because I am sure your cowardice will generate nothing worth reading.

"Richard A. Ameduri"
The mayor gamely responded by alerting the writer to the fact that his email had been hacked. And then he proceeded to list several things that women did invent, including a system for torpedo control that actress Hedy Lamarr patented in 1941, which just happened to become the basis of spread-spectrum communications systems like wi-fi and cell-phone service.  But that's not important.

The mayor didn't mention Marie Curie, but she won the Nobel Prize in physics for her work on radiation in 1903 and then went on to win another Nobel in chemistry in 1911, after the death of her husband, becoming the first person of any gender to win Nobels in two different disciplines. And those "10th place" women Olympic martial artists would wipe the floor with Mr. Ameduri.

Speaking of the martial arts, Gal Gadot, the star of Wonder Woman, was a combat trainer in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), where she served for two years. Why? Because Israel requires women to serve two years in the military -- though, yes, Israeli women get an easy ride: the men have to serve for three years. Except for ultra-Orthodox conservative Haredi men, who don't have to serve in the military, or even work at all. But their wives do.

In any case, a private theater chain is hosting this special one-shot screening. All the other showings of the film will be to mixed gender audiences. The mayor can't demand the theater schedule a men-only screening any more than the mayor of Houston can demand that the Astros hire a female pitcher.

On average men make 25% more than women doing the same job. Men constitute 95% of all Fortune 500 CEOs. Men like Donald Trump think they can just do whatever the hell they want with women's bodies. 47% of the workforce is women, yet women still do the vast majority of housework, cooking and child care. Men are not the oppressed victims of estrogen-stoked rapine and plunder.

But back to the movie. The guys whining about it are oblivious: the film is about an island full of Amazons. That means that it only has women on it. The whole conceit of the movie is that there's a place where there are only women, with no petty little wankers constantly spewing misogynistic hatred about how mean women are to them.

Screening this film to a female audience is a tip of the hat to its basic conceit.

If these guys want to go see a movie with just men, they can go to any theater showing gay porn.

Oh, wait. That would mean...

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