Saturday, July 01, 2017

Buzz Aldrin Is the Man

On Friday Donald Trump signed an executive order reinstating the National Space Council at a ceremony that had Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon, in attendance.

In his comments Trump said the same sort of nonsensical gobbledygook that he always does:
It’s a little hard to make out what Trump says right as he opens up the folder containing the E.O. (and the White House transcript left those words out), but it sounded like, “We know what this is, space. That’s all it has to say, space.” Then, to Aldrin, he joked, “There’s a lot of room out there, right?”

Buzz Aldrin: Infinity and beyond. (Laughter)

Donald Trump: This is infinity here. It could be infinity. We don’t really don’t know. But it could be. It has to be something, but it could be infinity, right?
Space has one thing in common with Trump: the vacuum between his ears.

Aldrin's reaction to Trump's burbling babble is hilarious, speaking volumes about what a nimrod the American president is:

The Trump administration also emphasized how little they respect women, yet again:
Vice President Pence, who will chair the new space council, introduced the president and others gathered in the Roosevelt Room.

“Especially the three American astronauts,” he said, listing NASA's Alvin Drew, former astronaut David Wolf, and “the second man on the moon: the legendary Buzz Aldrin.”

“Welcome to the White House,” Pence said.

But he didn't mention [the fourth astronaut present, a woman], former astronaut Sandy Magnus, standing about five feet away.

Trump would also name the three male astronauts without mentioning Magnus — an omission quickly noticed in the wider space community.
I'm not sure why Trump is doing this. He put Mike Pence in charge of the council. Pence was the guy who chaired a 2005 Republican study group that recommended that NASA end all space exploration.

I like the space program, but it's going to get nothing but bad PR with Trump pushing it. The story will be that Trump wants to cut everyone's health care so he can send men (and it has to be men, because women are so bloody) to Mars to open the Trump Interplanetary Hotel.

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