Sunday, July 23, 2017

Keep it up, Donald. Keep it up.

After Jeff Sessions lied about meetings with Russians on his security clearance forms, in his FBI interviews and in a Senate hearing -- all in service to Donald Trump and his election -- Trump threw him under the bus the other day, blasting Sessions for following the rule of law.

And today Trump tweeted this while out playing golf (again!):
It's very sad that Republicans, even some that were carried over the line on my back, do very little to protect their President.
What a whining little baby. Trump is lucky Republicans aren't holding impeachment hearings this very moment.

With every passing day there's another major revelation about Trump and his cronies caught lying about their dealings with Russia, or some other skullduggery.

When are Republicans going to learn that he will never have their backs? He is going to shaft every last one of them in the end. With a man like him loyalty only flows up.

He thinks that he's the one who carried the Republicans? They created the base, kept it enthralled with anti-abortion rhetoric and pseudo-racist innuendo for decades: Trump didn't originate the tactics that gave him the win, he just picked up a fumble in the end zone. The Republican Party existed long before Trump was born, and it will exist long after he is gone -- unless they let him destroy it.

This incompetent, immature, whining dope has done nothing constructive in six months as president, even though he has total control over all three branches of government. His only accomplishments have been to play golf, sign pointless executive orders, play golf, pass a few useless bills revoking some regulations, play golf, go to Europe to escape all the negative publicity he himself constantly generates, play golf, pull one stupid stunt after another that makes him look guilty (fire Comey, meet with Russians in the White House, secret meeting with Putin), play golf, and bomb a Syrian airbase that was empty because Trump told the Russians he was going to attack it and play golf.

Trump thinks "his voters" are going to make "disloyal Republicans" pay for not doing enough to "protect their president."

Trump is not acting like their president. He's acting like a five-year-old having a temper tantrum because someone else broke open the pinata at his birthday party.

Trump has to remember that "his voters" are extremely fickle. They're tuned out now, ignoring all the dirt coming out on him, dismissing it as fake news. But if Trump makes one wrong move, they'll turn on him like a bitch, as Trump loves to say, so fast it'll make his head spin. His voters love to hate the elites. In the end, Trump is just another wealthy Russian-loving New York elitist, who scorns the religious Southern Republicans who make up the bulk of the "base" as ignorant white trash. When Trump is finally caught voicing his real opinion of "the base" the Republican Party will dump him for Pence, there will be so much head-spinning...

The congressmen Trump keeps insulting are the people who can impeach him, or doesn't Trump get that? Most of them never wanted him to be president, and he never helped the Republican Party before he staged a hostile takeover of it last summer. He's never shown them any loyalty, so why should they show him any? In the end the Never Trump Republicans and will be praised as heroes who were never fooled by Trump's bragging lies.

Keep this up, Donald. The same Republicans you keep bitching about will be swinging bats at that big fat orange pinata in the White House.

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