Sunday, August 27, 2017

Better In Than Out?

I came across a reader letter today in the Minneapolis Star and Tribune that struck me as very interesting. The gist of it was that Trump is better for the liberal agenda in office than out of it. Every time he tries to work with Congress in pursuing the conservative agenda, he gets in his own way with something. Whether it's his child like behavior, another thread pulled in the Russian scandal or some other buffoonish gaff, nothing is getting done in Washington in terms of what the GOP wants. Isn't that a good thing?

I thought it about it for a while and realized there needs to be a cost benefit analysis performed. On the one had, the reader is right. Trump is the GOP's worst enemy in terms of policy change. Yet, the damage he is doing to our hegemony in the world is significant. Which is worse?

1 comment:

  1. Trump has got to go. With stunts like Charlottesville and the pardon of Arpaio, he is damaging the moral and legal fabric of this country almost beyond repair.

    After Arpaio, it's clear that he'll pardon his kids and other co-conspirators in the Russia collusion when Mueller gets too close. Mueller will be unable to get anyone to testify against Trump because he can just pardon them. Mueller will only be able to build a case from circumstantial evidence.

    The Republican Congress is full of cowards, except for just a few. Now that it's clear Trump thinks he disregard court decisions like Arpaio's conviction, the gloves are off. He'll sic the rogue FBI agents from the New York office on his enemies. Those are the agents who leaked the Hillary email nonsense that caused Comey to blow it for Clinton a couple weeks before the election, giving Trump the election.

    Trump thinks he's a king. The longer he stays in power, the more dangerous it will be to impeach him. If he doesn't go soon, he will solidify direct control over his KKK and Nazi thugs and incite them to commit terrorist attacks across the country when Congress finally grows a spine. This isn't my speculation: they've already threatened to do exactly this.
