Thursday, November 09, 2017

Could Alabama Turn Blue On December 12?

Alabama is holding a special election on December 12 to fill the seat vacated by Jeff Sessions when he became Attorney General. The GOP candidate is Roy Moore. Moore was recently installed at the Bannon pick to fuck with the establishment in DC. Moore is classic wingnut who loves to brandish his gun at rallies.

Oh, and he's also a pedophile.

Doug Jones is the Democratic candidate running against Moore. Here is what he stands for straight from his home page.

  • Everyone has the right to quality, affordable health care.
  • We must restore Alabama’s trust for its elected leaders.
  • I will defend a woman’s right to choose and stand with Planned Parenthood.
  • All children deserve a first-class education regardless of where they live.
  • College must be affordable without burdening a student with overwhelming debt.
  • I believe in science and will work to slow or reverse the impact of climate change.
  • It is past time we raise the minimum wage to a livable wage.
  • Women must be paid an equal wage for equal work at all levels.
  • Voter suppression is unAmerican – we must protect voting rights.
  • Discrimination cannot be tolerated or protected. America is best when it builds on diversity and is welcoming of the contributions of all.
He's not even trying to be more moderate. He's just straight up going for it in a deep red state. I fucking love it.

If the Democrats manage to flip this seat, all bets are off next year. If they don't, the Republicans will have shown themselves to more morally bankrupt that I thought possible.

Ah well, better a pedophile than a libtard, eh?

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