Thursday, August 30, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Is a Romanian Foreign Agent

You would think that after several Trump lackeys have been nailed for being unregistered foreign agents that current members of the administration would be sensitive to the conflicts of interest and inherent corruption of lobbying for foreigners at the same time they're drawing a salary from the US government.

You would be wrong. Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has been caught lobbying for corrupt Romanian politicians:
President Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, wrote a letter criticizing an anti-corruption drive [supported by Trump's own] State Department.

The Romanian reaction to the letter — which Giuliani said was written for pay in his capacity as a consultant — was the most concrete indication yet that the Trump administration’s freewheeling approach to ethics and business conflicts is having an effect not only inside the United States, but on U.S. allies as well.

A State Department official told The Washington Post: “Rudy Giuliani does not speak for the U.S. government on foreign policy.” Giuliani, for his part, has insisted that he is a private citizen and was not speaking on behalf of the Trump administration. But that is not the way the letter was received in Romania, where critics of the anti-corruption drive seized on it as an endorsement from a senior official who has Trump’s ear.
Giuliani is using his position as Trump's lawyer to derail Romania's drive to eliminate corruption, and at the same time directly sabotaging the Trump administration's own policy on this issue.

This raises several questions. Why is Giuliani doing this? Who is paying him to promote corruption in Romania? Did Trump approve of this? Does Trump have any connection to the people who are paying Giuliani? (Interesting side note: Trump almost exclusively hire Romanians to work at Mar a Lago.) Is Giuliani also lobbying American officials to back off on their support for the anti-corruption drive in Romania? Is Giuliani registered as a foreign agent?

The optics of this are terrible. Romania was one of the most corrupt countries in the Soviet bloc back in the day. Its leader, Nicolae CeauČ™escu, tried to flee the country in 1989 amidst the collapse of the Eastern European communist regimes. He was captured, tried for genocide and executed. 

Now the US president's personal lawyer is fronting for the same kind of corrupt scumbags.

People used to the think of Giuliani as "America's Mayor" because he expressed the anguish everyone felt after 9/11. But he became a two-dimensional caricature when he started running for president, where he failed miserably. No matter what the question, Giuliani's response was always "9/11! 9/11!"

Giuliani then became a one-dimensional shyster selling ridiculous nonsense on television in defense of his corrupt master, spouting nonsense like, "Truth isn't truth!" and "Trump didn't collude and even if he did it isn't a crime!"

And now Giuliani descending even lower on the evolutionary scale, to some kind of slime mold, by cashing in on his connection to the president to help corrupt foreigners stay out of jail.

This is the guy used to brag about putting corrupt mafia dons in jail. Now he spends all his time trying to get them off.

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