Saturday, February 15, 2020

Comments Are Fully Open

Given our plethora of new readers from Reddit, Quora, Twitter, and other locales, we have decided to open up comments without moderation. Too many people have complained that they don't like having to wait to see what they wrote published and that it takes too long to go through the filter.

I've also decided to allow comments of any kind as this is an election year and it's going to get ugly anyway. Anyone previously banned from posting here is welcome to post again. I challenge those individuals (mostly from Kevin Baker's blog) to make their assertions without personal attacks on me. If they do, so be it, but it pretty much proves that they have nothing of substance to offer and zero convictions.

We will delete any spammy things like product ads or sex stuff. Also, any sort of doxing is a big no-no. People have the right to privacy. My associates in the police department (two of which are fans of this blog and Trump supporters, go figure) regularly monitor my traffic and will be all over anyone who doxxes.

With that, comment away!


  1. "and will be all over anyone who doxxes."

    Huh, you're gonna have to check with them which actual crime that is....

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    18 U.S. Code § 2261A provides:


    (2) with the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, uses the mail, any interactive computer service or electronic communication service or electronic communication system of interstate commerce, or any other facility of interstate or foreign commerce to engage in a course of conduct that—
    (A) places that person in reasonable fear of the death of or serious bodily injury to a person …; or
    (B) causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person …

    shall be punished as provided in section 2261(b) of this title.”

    Consider it checked. And we are on to you, Richard. Interesting that you made the comment on this.

    1. Interesting. Either you didn't actually check it, or you have violated the law.

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Doxing is always illegal, whether it is done against a federal employee, a state employee, or a regular person. There are federal and state laws that specifically address doxing government employees. With regular citizens, doxing falls under various state criminal laws, such as stalking, cyberstalking, harassment, threats, and other such laws, depending on the state.

    Minnesota laws listed here...

  4. Thanks, guys.

    Guard Duck, you are welcome to post here again but the no doxing rule is just as much of a protection for you as it is for anyone. I’m not sure why you don’t think it’s a crime (or don’t want it to be) but it is.

    1. Need to read the law Mark. Doxing is a broad term, covering many things. The law is much more narrow than that.

  5. I'm not sure why you are arguing this point, Guard Duck. If it's just for the sake of arguing (as is your usual thing), that's cool. But could it be because you want to dox someone and get away with it? I certainly hope not.

    Bear in mind that these comments are here forever, dude. Best quit while you are ahead and go back to defending Trump.

    1. Are you going to follow your own moderation rule about doxing or not?

  6. No one’s full name and address will be allowed on this blog in posts or comments. Any kind of way that easily leads someone to locate a poster will not be allowed. That’s doxing and anyone engaging in such an endeavor will be referred to the authorities for violation of state and federal law.

    Referring to your fake name that you made up on Quora doesn’t count.

  7. Oh, so you're going to define things on your own. And decide what is real and what is fake.

    Got it. Guess nothing has changed.

  8. Yeah, nothing has changed. You still like to fuck around for the sake of fucking around. Whatever, dude, you do you. Doesn't bother me at all.

    I don't see a full name or address or any sort of information listed as to where to find you. If the name above is real, it's the same as people knowing that part of my name is "Mark." You or anyone can call me Mark all you want and it's not doxing. Again, I will refer anyone to the police if they post full names, addresses or link information here that violate someone's privacy.

    I figured you'd be more interested in letting your political voice be heard regarding the election. I'm interested in your views on Trump, liberals, etc.

  9. Last in line10:57 AM

    Hey everybody. Hope you are all doing well.

  10. Since this post is about posting here and moderation here, the conversation about such is appropriate here.

    (also doxx)
    Pronunciation /däks/ /dɑks/
    transitive verbdoxes, doxing, doxed, doxxes, doxxing, doxxed
    [with object]informal

    Search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.

    Doxing, or doxxing (from "dox", abbreviation of documents), is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifying information (especially personally identifying information) about an individual or organization.

    dox transitive verb
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    \ ˈdäks
    variants: or doxx
    doxed or doxxed; doxing or doxxing; doxes or doxxes
    Definition of dox

    slang : to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge

    None of those definitions require 'full name and address' to be considered doxing. Also you'll note that the above legal definitions are for an activity defined and labeled differently than either the dictionary version of doxing and 'your' personal view of doxing. Which by the way seems to be defined by your own status of having your first name already out in public.

    I suppose you can refer to the police anyone you wish, but that doesn't mean what you think is criminal activity is actually such. Which was my point to begin with.

  11. So stalking, cyber-bullying, harassment, threats etc aren't crimes?

  12. You didn't say "stalking, cyber-bullying, harassment, threats" will be referred to police.

    You said "doxing" will. As defined above doxing does not necessarily rise to the level of "stalking, cyber-bullying, harassment, threats".

  13. As you have been shown above, they are the same thing. You can choose to pretend they aren’t and continue to play games about it but that won’t make it any less true.

    But I am glad to see that you accept that stalking, cyber-bullying, harassment, and threats are crimes.

    1. Not the same dude. In fact, One could very well publish a full name and address without it being considered doxing. Or a crime for that matter.

      Details matter.

  14. Carla6:57 PM

    I want to know why Guard Duck is so obsessed with this.

    1. Obsessed? Shall we consider you obsessed with me because you bothered to comment about me here?

  15. Look, GD, I get what you are doing. You like to fuck with people and you don’t like being told by any sort of authority what to do and not do. No worries. That’s your thing. But publishing someone’s full name and address without their permission is doxing, a form of cyber bullying, harassment, stalking, threats and against the law. The police in MN say that it is. You want to pretend that it isn’t, well, ignorance of the law doesn’t mean you don’t have to abide by it.

  16. Mark, I've arrested more people than you. Spent more time in legal classes than you. Spent more time in court than you.

    You keep moving the goalposts, because that's your thing. But by doing so you are really just proving my point.

  17. Ok, you’re a legal expert. Can you explain how doxing does NOT apply to 18 USC 2261A? Both sections 1 and 2 of the law, the latter of which covers cyber stalking?

  18. Carla3:35 PM

    How is he moving the goalposts? You just don’t want to admit the law is the law. Are you a cop or something? If you were, you’d know what online harassment is.

    1. Oh, now you're really starting to look obsessed with me Carla.

  19. No, I'm not a legal expert and never claimed to be. But I do have more experience reading statutes and applying that into real world arrest-able events. But that's really irrelevant here, as your question can be answered with nothing more than what's already been written here. In fact, you've already answered it yourself. I thought that was why you were moving the goalposts here, but now I'm not sure that's the case. But hey, if you'd rather play stupid than admit being wrong - just be you dude.

    I presented three sources with definitions for the word "doxing". You'll note that not one of those definitions came from a state or federal statute. Wanna know why? Because doxing is not a crime per statute. There are certain acts that are crimes. Doxing is not one. Some things that fall under the definition of doxing can be a crime. Get that? Imagine a venn diagram with one circle being 'crime' and the other being 'doxing'. Those circles do not fully overlap. The 'doxing' circle is not fully within the 'crime' circle.

    As proof, per an above definition: "...publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet." I have never referred to myself to you or anyone here as anything other than "GuardDuck". When the above person published a name he associated with me, that would be considered "private" information. When you followed that by associating that name with a location elsewhere on the internet to locate me, that would be considered "identifying" information. That is, PER DEFINITION, doxing. It doesn't matter if you consider it to be doxxing - it is, per the definition.

    You moved the goalposts, insisting that more information needs to be published. No shit, more information needs to be published for those acts of doxing to be CONSIDERED a criminal act. But that does not mean is was not an incident of doxing. Again, per the definition.

    As I began this whole process stating, just because it's doxing doesn't make it a crime. Why you continue to argue against this fact is amazing.

  20. So, you are saying that if someone on here did this...

    18 U.S. Code § 2261A provides:


    (2) with the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, uses the mail, any interactive computer service or electronic communication service or electronic communication system of interstate commerce, or any other facility of interstate or foreign commerce to engage in a course of conduct that—
    (A) places that person in reasonable fear of the death of or serious bodily injury to a person …; or
    (B) causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person …

    that would be a criminal act but not doxing?

  21. If somebody posted credible threats here, that would violate 2251A. But there is nothing in the definition of doxing about making threats.

    So yeah.
