Sunday, October 06, 2013


  1. You must not have an opinion of your own on the actions of your administration on this situation, of perhaps you are too chicken to tell us.

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Statues, mountains, and oceans do not require paid employees to be open (although you do have to pay quite a bit to close them). Volunteers serving mass do not cause budget overruns. So why are we pretending the government shutdown is the cause of these things? These closures are not related to government funding, there are just a way for a small petty child to say "Waaaaahhh!!"

    Who is the adolescent, correction...toddler? Yeah, your projection about the right is showing.

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    The Spite House shut down the Amber Alert web site while leaving the FLOTUS' Let's Move site running. All pretense of moral superiority on your side is GONE!

    All you deserve is is the official Obamacare phone number plus "and the horse you rode in on."
