Monday, October 07, 2013

Republican Type #6

Racist Republicans: 

[DISCLAIMER: I am putting this one almost last for a reason. I do NOT think all Republicans are racists. I have Republican family members who are not racist. This section is only about the small percentage of Republicans who are ACTUALLY racist, because they do exist. I'm not "playing the race card" or "race-baiting," I'm just describing a small group of racists who also affiliate themselves with the Republican Party] 

Racist Republicans hate Obama because he’s black. They think that all Muslims are terrorists. They think Obama is a terrorist Muslim. They think anyone with a name like Obama’s is a terrorist. 

The problem with this type of Republican’s views: 

They’re racist, but they think Obama is a racist. They can’t understand why people call them racists when they post racist pictures or racist comments and then claim not to be racist. Whenever they possibly can, they will call you a racist, to hide the fact that they are actually racists. 

What to remember when debating them: 

They’re racists. Racists are uneducated bigots. You would have a much easier time convincing an apple tree to start growing oranges.

He's a being a little too kind here. The whole "Obama is a Muslim" thing is far more common than one might think.

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