
Showing posts with label Right Wing Blog Commenters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Right Wing Blog Commenters. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2022

The Gun Bubble

I find myself often wondering what life is like inside of the gun humper bubble. They really don't seem to be aware of what's happening in the real world.

Take, for example, this recent story about Shannon Watts, the Dr. King of gun safety and patron saint of children who don't want to be murdered at school because gun humpers need to be coddled about their paranoid delusions regarding government. 

In total, up to 140 candidates who were volunteers with the organization she founded, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, and its newly formed arm, Demand A Seat, were elected to office. In Rhode Island alone, seven of the eight Moms Demand Action volunteers running won. Sixteen won in Illinois. Seats were flipped in previously Republican-held districts.

Moms Demand currently has ten million members, twice that of the now mortally wounded NRA. 

And those 140 candidates can now build upon this...

In response, states across the country stepped up. States have passed more than 525 significant gun safety laws in the decade since Sandy Hook. These laws undoubtedly protected the residents of the states that passed them. As our report demonstrates, while gun violence has increased since 2012, residents of states with strong laws are safer than those in states with weak laws.

Do you see what's happening, gun humpers? The days of mentally ill people killing themselves and others due to your criminal negligence are over. 

We are taking back our country and relegating you assholes to the dustbin of history...

Friday, March 18, 2022

My Dream For Every Gun (owned by ordinary civilians) in the United States

 And I would start with Kevin Baker and his blog commenters' guns...:)

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Dedicated To Right Wing Bloggers and Commenters Everywhere

This is who you are. Domestic terrorists. Authoritarian cultists. Psychotic criminals.

Your petty, adolescent games are finished. You can try to hide. You can even try to make up your own reality but it won't work. I've warned you for years this would be the result and you laughed and didn't listen. 

We will dominate you in every election going forward. You will have zero say in anything that happens in terms of the direction of this country.

You are completely fucked. And you know what that means?

Our country will finally be moving forward to greatness. 

Monday, February 01, 2021

Thursday, January 07, 2021

I Rest My Case

For many years, I've asserted that the right are domestic terrorists, traitors to our nation. Here is the incontrovertible evidence. 

In a couple of weeks, the Democrats will have total control of the federal government. I hope they Gitmo every single one of these fuckwits. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Religion of the Right

The conservative of 2020 has turned worship of ME into a bona fide religion. They don't get the concept of WE or what it means to be in a society where we have to depend on each other. They have tapped into their inner adolescent rage against authority and made any sort of group work into communism. 

They are the ultimate teenager who DOESN'T WANNA! And BLOWS EVERYTHING OUT OF PROPORTION WITH EXAGGERATION!! Working together as a society becomes slavery in totalitarianism. 

To get a clearer picture of this selfishness on steroids, read this

And this. 

This would be why the rest of the world looks at us and wonders what FREEDUMB is...

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Election Fraud in Federal Court

Re: Kevin Baker's latest post about election fraud.

If you are someone like Kevin who believes the myth that Democrats stole the 2020 election, please kindly cite your evidence that you would be willing to use in federal court to support your assertion. Remember, you can get in very serious trouble lying in a federal court. It's not a little blog that allows you to spout irrational nonsense. It's where grown-ups do business. 

No evidence? Nothing? Bueller? 

Then you are lying merely because you are butthurt about your guy losing. There is nothing more to this election than this:

Trump was an incompetent buffoon who literally killed Americans and the people voted him out.  

Now, go read Leon Festinger's When Prophecy Fails and learn from your cognitive dissonance. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Fucking Hammer

There has been a lot of talk lately about coming together and looking at each other not as liberals or conservatives but as Americans. My interest in doing this begins when conservatives in our country own their insane bullshit. 

The facts are that they are in a cult and have spent the better part of three decades demonizing liberals. They have done a great job of getting people to believe that “both sides” are just as bad and there are such things as “alternative facts.” They have actively worked to erode faith in our institutions for the express intent of holding on to their slipping power. 

If they take responsibility for all this crap, I’m more than willing to address the minor transgressions of the left (cancel culture, partisan spin). Until then, they get the hammer.

Every. Single. Day.

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Cultish Descent Into Madness

I'm hoping that someone is doing a study somewhere on the cultish descent into madness that we are seeing with conservatives in this country today. It reminds me a lot of what happened to my grandmother when she developed dementia in the last years of her life. Everything was someone else's fault, never her own. A great example of all of this is Kevin Baker's latest posts over at his blog. 

Today he has a post up that is full-on Russian propaganda which he easily laps up.  He also mentions "plots" by Facebook and Twitter to suppress it. Sorry, Kevin, those are private companies. They can do whatever they want, right? It's a good thing that they are finally acting responsibly in the weaponization of information. 

Wednesday he had something up about "Obamagate" which has made so little sense that it's not even being investigated. 

Then there was a post about how the right is actually peaceful and it's the left that is violent. That lie has recently been torpedoed with this arrest as well as the ADL's ongoing investigations

But the most shocking of all is a full-on embrace of an Islamic fundamentalist merely because she is saying bad things about liberals. I supposed I shouldn't be surprised given that he and his other cult members now embrace totalitarian states like Russia. 

Folks like Kevin and his crew have feared deprogramming for years. But maybe that's just what they need. A steady diet of fact-based media like Reuters, AP News, and the Christian Science Monitor for a few months. I think a ban or out and out blocking of all batshit crazy web sites that specifically weaponize information and turn people into cult members is also in order.  

The only demons out there are the ones they have made up. And Americans are literally paying with their lives for it. 

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Trump Is So Dreamy...

Check out the full interview between the president and Jonathan Swan. Any sane person would look at this and realize that a mentally deranged and incompetent man is in charge of the United States. But let's look at this from the point of view of one of his supporters. 

Great interview! He really showed that elitist, fake news asshole what was what!!! Man, he's so dreamy the way he trolls the libs and makes them squirm. I'm in love...

Seriously, we have millions of these people to deal with...

Friday, July 03, 2020

Metastasized Right Wing Blogger

The swift changes to our country's social fabric have left folks like Kevin Baker coming completely unglued from reality. His latest exercise in attempting to sound smart is merely one long away of saying, LIBERALS BAD. His reasoning is based on a failed ideology that perpetuates in tiny bubbles of self-referential confirmation. 

It's a petty and insecure dogma that refuses to accept outside information (facts, reality) that completely contradicts it. Essentially, it's a cult with members like Kevin and his followers engaging in bizarre thought processes that can best be described as unhinged. They hide like cowards from challenges because they want to keep up their fantasies regarding how the world works. 

It's also worthy to note that he doesn't actually write much of his "uber posts" at all. Most of the words are cut and paste jobs with no original thought whatsoever. If he had gone through formal schooling and achieved higher levels of education, he might have been capable of critical thinking. Of course, he would have had to get over his short man syndrome-like issues with academia which will likely never happen. 

Back when I was allowed to post on his site (before everyone became afraid of my intellect), I pondered the possibility of one of their own running the country. He keeps obsessive track of my posts there, even having an entire subheading (containing 20 posts!) dedicated to yours truly, so it would be easy to find it. I predicted that such a leader would result in American deaths, a crashed economy, and marked deafness of tone to major issues of the day like racism that would result in social unrest. 

Donald Trump has proven this to be EXACTLY the case. 120K dead because a child (just like Kevin) didn't want to admit that liberals were right about something

Running a country on the one conviction of "owning the libs" demonstrates a massive ignorance and utter stupidity in terms of how effective and necessary our federal government is to the working machinations of our republic. You can't fake you know wtf you are doing when lives are on the line. 

Kevin and his ilk don't get it because all they have is adolescent retorts. They are about to be judged on that philosophy and are going to be relegated to the ash heap of history forever. Thank God, because we can't afford to lose any more American lives due to their childishly insecure and petty bullshit. 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Where is the president?

As the country falls apart due to racial tensions, Americans are wondering-where is President Trump? Why can't he make an address to at least assure the nation that we should all come together?

The last few months have made it plainly clear that he doesn't know WTF he is doing and is absolutely the worst person to be president right now. 

He's selfish, arrogant, incompetent, and completely lacking in empathy, especially when it comes to racial issues. In short, he's just like his followers, AKA the actual problem.

I've wondered for years what our country would look like if the right-wing blogger mentality ran the country. It would look like this:

1. Tens of thousands dead 
2. A crashed economy
3. Rioting in the streets.

And why? Because of their adolescent emotions about government and, in particular, accomplished leaders that are more intelligent than them. 

Given their continued whining about how it's always someone else's fault, can we eject them from the capsule for good? Democrats and other liberal groups will bury them forever if they just show up and vote. I know they will this year but they have to every single year.

Otherwise, more death, more loss of money, and more rioting in the streets. 

Sunday, May 03, 2020

If one photo could sum up the right...

I'm not sure who this fuckhole is but he is a perfect representation of what I think about when I imagine right-wing bloggers and commenters.

Angry, white, fat, bearded, armed, racist.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Why People Are Dead, Why Our Economy Sucks

My favorite part is the rally where he mentions the coronavirus and his cult followers boo. These assholes should never be in charge of anything again. Ever. All they do is kill people and destroy our economy.

He is exactly what we said he was going to be and you assholes made fun of us (orange man bad, Trump Derangement Syndrome). Well, got anything to say now, fuckholes?

Saturday, March 21, 2020

He IS That Fucking Bad

People criticize the president because he actually has been that fucking bad on this. Haul out the “orange man bad” troll at your own risk. People are dying because he failed in his job. Here is the evidence in his own words.

I am grateful, however, that he and the rest of the GOP admitted failure in their political and economic ideology and went (once again) to the successful and functional models of stimulus and government intervention.

You’re welcome....again. Maybe next time STFU with your petty, adolescent feelings about government.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Trump As A Vessel Of Their Hatred

As it looks increasingly likely that Bernie Sanders is going to get the nomination for the Democratic Ticket, conservatives are in full-on meltdown mode over the prospect of a democratic socialist for president. The problem is that their rage has got them so blinded as to what it all means that all they can see is gulags, re-education camps, and the end of all this holy about America. Holy crap, are they in need of some therapy!

The first thing they need to realize is their hate, anger, and fear at democratic socialism has nothing to do with what they erroneously believe is going to happen when Bernie wins. Like most emotional adolescents, they have worked with themselves up into such a lather that they actually believe that Bernie Sanders, a Jew, is going to start gulags and destroy us all with central planning. What they are actually upset about is being shown to be ideologically wrong and soon, coming to a theater near you, irrelevant. They REALLY hate losing arguments and this will, no doubt, be the ultimate loss.

Of course, even if they are shown to be ideologically wrong, the age of Trump has shown us that pretending to be right is their only answer. How did this come to pass? Well, Trump has become a vessel for all their hatred, anger and fear at all of the things and people they don't like, starting with liberals, elites and smart people trying to accomplish good things for the country. That last bit really sends them into a fit because they take their feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and inferiority and somehow transform that into Hitler, Stalin and death camps.

I suppose it is a death in a way...a death of hysterical nonsense and a birth of actual solutions to real problems. Sanders won't get all of the things he wants when he is elected but at least someone will be in there to put together a government that is more representative of what the people of this nation want.

In the final analysis, it's their own fault. They threw their lot in with a mentally unstable criminal who was hilariously and easily able to con them into fervently believing cultish beliefs. They will blame everyone but themselves and Trump when they lose both the presidency and the Senate. So, now we are left with a good chunk of our population who simply will not accept facts and reality.

What are we going to do with them?

Friday, February 14, 2020

The Chest Thumping, Insecure Nonsense of Kevin Baker and His Merry Band of Authoritarians

The Democrats are a near lock to win the electoral college in 2020. How do we know this? Look no further than Rachel "the Doc" Bitcofer.

A recent piece in Politico has elevated her to national recognition and I highly recommend following her on Twitter as well as examining her model for 2020. Bitecofer saw some basic facts in the election of 2016 and was able to correctly predict the outcome of the 2018 election down to the seat. She also predicted Virginia in 2019. Those facts say that for the first time in history, Republicans lost the white, male, college educated voted in 2016. Trump's path to the White House, as she puts it, "which was the political equivalent of getting dealt a Royal Flush in poker, is probably not replicable in 2020 with an agitated Democratic electorate."

There is no such thing as a "swing" voter anymore. Not in this age of hyper-partisan politics. It's all about turnout and any of the top candidates in the Democratic field are going to destroy Trump.

So, when I read the chest thumping, insecure nonsense of Kevin Baker, quoting a likely Russian trollbot, I just shook my head. Projection. Again. Some things never change.

Because the shock is going to be entirely on his side of the aisle when he can't seem to fathom, the day after the election, how Trump lost. And so badly. Likely, he, along with other Trump supporters, will blame the media and the elites and others they are all jealous of but in the final analysis, it's going to come down to the simple fact that there are more of us that are going to vote than there are Trump voters.

Bernie has a fucking army. Young people will turn out for him by the millions. Mayor Pete will turn out moderates and a whole new generation of voters. Amy Klobuchar will pull the Democrats who voted for Trump back into the fold. Bloomberg, even if he isn't the nominee, will spend billions to defeat Trump. Kevin, do you not understand what you are up against?

Kevin et al, I would suggest seeking therapy for your issues with people that are successful, intelligent, accomplished and do things to help people (i.e Democrats and the few Republicans left who aren't Trumpified). You guys have built an entire political ideology around petty insecurity, irrational jealousy, feelings of inferiority and inadequacies, and childish bullying. Your party is fucking done. You just don’t see it yet.

Moreover, your party has become an authoritarian cult and you are cheering it on. History has not been kind to leaders and supporters of such endeavors. I’d recommend changing your tune fairly quickly if you don’t want your life to be miserable.

And I'd recommend following the Doc on Twitter. I realize the cognitive dissonance might be too much for you but it will ease pain of what's coming. It will also help you remember that happened in 2018 and 2019.