
Showing posts with label conservatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conservatives. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2022

A War That Doesn't Exist

The “elite collectivists vs. freedom-loving individualists” lie pushed by conservatives must be erased from our culture. It’s the core impediment to our society moving forward and malevolently perpetuates itself like a cancer eating away at reason and rationality. 

Honestly, it reminds me of when I would ask my children back when they were teenagers to take out the trash and they would have a fit and call me a dictator.

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Behave Like Civilized Adults

If a divided US is to come together again, the first step (the ONLY first step) must be for conservatives to start behaving like civilized adults. 

This includes: 

1. A cessation of the demonization of liberals. 
2. An end to lying about liberals. 
3. The crazed, mouth foaming anger towards liberals has to go. 
4. The penchant for bothsidesing, gaslighting, and whataboutism is never heard again. 
5. Adolescent competition due to insecurity and fragile egos is no longer present. 

If this step can be taken with all these actions, we can come together again as a nation.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Confirmation Of January 6th Violent Insurrection Plot

 From a recent piece in the Times...

“Most everybody thinks we ought to have went with guns, and I kind of agree with that myself,” said Oren Orr, 32, a landscaper from Robbinsville, N.C., who had rented a car with his wife to get to the Capitol last year. “I think we ought to have went armed, and took it back. That is what I believe.”

Well, first of all, people were armed with guns there. But I do appreciate Mr. Orr confirming what sane people have been saying all along. 

We know what you are up to, folks. We will stop you by any means necessary. 

I also ROTFALMFAO when I read this part… 

“Many Jan. 6 attendees have shifted their focus to what they see as a new, urgent threat: Covid-19 vaccine mandates and what they call efforts by Democratic politicians to control their bodies. They cite Mr. Biden’s vaccine mandates as justification for their efforts to block his presidency.”

Hmm...abortion OK now? 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Root Cause Of The Decay Of The United States

Conservative ideology is the general cause of the decay we are experiencing in this country. It’s rooted in emotion, adolescent spite, fragile egos, and childish competition. 

It is completely illogical and often employs the tactic of gaslighting. It’s as if you see your neighbor fixing their wooden house with a blow torch and gasoline. You kindly inform them of how this solution will result in disaster. They roll their eyes, become petulant, accuse you of being closed-minded because you won’t consider “their side,” and foam at the mouth about how people like you are the reason why our country is falling apart and descending into fascism. 

We must employ a strategy that defeats this mindset. That’s why the Democratic Party must fire all their communication and PR gurus and hire developmental psychologists who specialize in treating toxic adolescent behavior. All messages should be a blunt force that eradicates the utter nonsense of conservative ideology and brings us to a place based in logic, facts, and functional solutions that have proven track records and accept reality.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Remember Benghazi?

Think back with me to those days of yore when conservatives blew 89 bowels about the Benghazi attack. Remember all those investigations that found nothing? They were so angry about an attack on a makeshift consulate/CIA base that they were beside themselves. So you would think they would want an investigation into what happened on January 6th, right?


Take your hypocrisy and shove it up your ass. We are coming for you. And we won't rest until you are in prison. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Hey Kevin Baker, Guard Duck and Other Traitors

Read this.

Stop fucking up our country with your nonsense. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Thursday, January 07, 2021

I Rest My Case

For many years, I've asserted that the right are domestic terrorists, traitors to our nation. Here is the incontrovertible evidence. 

In a couple of weeks, the Democrats will have total control of the federal government. I hope they Gitmo every single one of these fuckwits. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Religion of the Right

The conservative of 2020 has turned worship of ME into a bona fide religion. They don't get the concept of WE or what it means to be in a society where we have to depend on each other. They have tapped into their inner adolescent rage against authority and made any sort of group work into communism. 

They are the ultimate teenager who DOESN'T WANNA! And BLOWS EVERYTHING OUT OF PROPORTION WITH EXAGGERATION!! Working together as a society becomes slavery in totalitarianism. 

To get a clearer picture of this selfishness on steroids, read this

And this. 

This would be why the rest of the world looks at us and wonders what FREEDUMB is...

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Fucking Hammer

There has been a lot of talk lately about coming together and looking at each other not as liberals or conservatives but as Americans. My interest in doing this begins when conservatives in our country own their insane bullshit. 

The facts are that they are in a cult and have spent the better part of three decades demonizing liberals. They have done a great job of getting people to believe that “both sides” are just as bad and there are such things as “alternative facts.” They have actively worked to erode faith in our institutions for the express intent of holding on to their slipping power. 

If they take responsibility for all this crap, I’m more than willing to address the minor transgressions of the left (cancel culture, partisan spin). Until then, they get the hammer.

Every. Single. Day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Year 2020

2020 has been labeled many things but the simple fact is that it will be remembered for the year that alternative facts literally killed Americans. 

And our national obsession with “both sides” let those responsible (conservatives) off the hook.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Sunday, May 03, 2020

If one photo could sum up the right...

I'm not sure who this fuckhole is but he is a perfect representation of what I think about when I imagine right-wing bloggers and commenters.

Angry, white, fat, bearded, armed, racist.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Monday, December 30, 2019

"Conservative" SCOTUS Judges Vote With Liberals Nearly Half of the Time

Take a look at this graphic.

See, now what I can't figure out is why conservatives are so hell-bent on Kavanaugh. He is more liberal than Roberts! In fact, when you really look at the cases, 7 of the 9 judges barely move into the red area at all. Where is all that originalism I keep hearing about all the time?

I submit that they don't really care how the people they support vote. They just want them to be "conservative" whatever the fuck that means. It's pure tribalism.