
Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Root Cause Of The Decay Of The United States

Conservative ideology is the general cause of the decay we are experiencing in this country. It’s rooted in emotion, adolescent spite, fragile egos, and childish competition. 

It is completely illogical and often employs the tactic of gaslighting. It’s as if you see your neighbor fixing their wooden house with a blow torch and gasoline. You kindly inform them of how this solution will result in disaster. They roll their eyes, become petulant, accuse you of being closed-minded because you won’t consider “their side,” and foam at the mouth about how people like you are the reason why our country is falling apart and descending into fascism. 

We must employ a strategy that defeats this mindset. That’s why the Democratic Party must fire all their communication and PR gurus and hire developmental psychologists who specialize in treating toxic adolescent behavior. All messages should be a blunt force that eradicates the utter nonsense of conservative ideology and brings us to a place based in logic, facts, and functional solutions that have proven track records and accept reality.

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