
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How To Propaganda

The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing.

Political propaganda in principle is active and revolutionary. It is aimed at the broad masses. It speaks the language of the people because it wants to be understood by the people. Its task is the highest creative art of putting sometimes complicated events and facts in a way simple enough to be understood by the man on the street. Its foundation is that there is nothing the people cannot understand, but rather things must be put in a way that they can understand. It is a question of making it clear to him by using the proper approach, evidence, and language.   ---Joseph Goebbels, 1934.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Conservatives Are All About Identity Not Ideology

A recent paper from Cambridge political scientists confirms many assertions made on this site over the years. Conservatives don't have any sort of ideological convictions. They say they do but really it's all about identity and blindly following an authoritarian leader. Ironic, considering they rip the left for this, once again pulling the Goebbel's like propaganda move of accusing an opponent of the very thing of which they are guilty.

Barber and Pope specifically chose positions that Trump had taken that were polar opposites. The study showed that if Trump advocated the position, regardless of whether it was a conservative one or a liberal one, conservatives loved it. “The fact that stronger conservatives are the ones most likely to react to the treatment — regardless of the ideological direction of the treatment — suggests that the nearly ubiquitous self-placed ideology measure is less a measure of principled conviction and more of a social identity,” write Barber and Pope.

This would be why the debt is no big deal now. Or tariffs are now cool. They have zero policy loyalty and massive party loyalty. Consider all the foaming at the mouth we see on a daily basis from right wing media regarding "liberal fascism" and government taking over our lives. It's only bad when liberals do it. But this?

Just fine and dandy. After all, Trump is their dictator and that makes it OK!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Trump's Attempt To Distract and Divide.

At this point in the presidency of Donald Trump, it's child's play to figure out why he makes racist comments. First, as the puppet of Vladimir Putin, he seeks to divide this country and making racial remarks is the best way to do it. Second, he's shitting himself right now over what might come out about him and Jeffrey Epstein. Third, Robert Mueller has now been given 3 hours to testify before Congress next week. He will undoubtedly repeat his previous assertions that the president was not exonerated from obstruction of justice and, in fact, should be investigated further.

Trump is such a classic con man playing the shell game that it surprises me that his cult followers aren't picking up on this. They are pretty enamored with his ability to troll liberals so it's not really that much of a stretch. My hope is that the media and the twitter outrage mob ignores the substance of what Trump tweeted and focuses on the overall reasons why he did it.

It's an act, folks, and it's all about distraction and division.

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Paradox of Tolerance

Sorry, Trump supporters and other conservatives. The problem isn't us. It's YOU. Stop being intolerant assholes and then we will accept you. Until then, we are going to call you on your bullshit every single fucking day.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Monday, July 08, 2019

Socialism Is...

...the DEVIL. Or, in this case, yet another example of just how irrational the right is when it comes to an ideology they epically fail at defining or understanding. Check it out...

Monday, July 01, 2019

Electric Cars Have Arrived

Electric cars are in the news today: almost half the cars sold in Norway in the first six months of 2019 were fully electric.

Well. That settles it. Since Norway is the country that Donald Trump immigrants to the United States should come from, we should all switch to electric cars.

But seriously, folks. If you were a Texan you might think it's a little odd that Norway is so into electric cars, since they are a major oil producer. But Norway borders the arctic, and it's totally clear to anyone who lives in the north that global warming caused by people burning fossil fuels is wreaking havoc on the climate.

The Norwegian people understand that some things are more important than lining oil company execs' pockets with more money.

The perceived problem with electric cars is that they take a long time to refuel. And this is true: it can take several hours to recharge the batteries. But how often does that really matter?

We bought a Kia Niro plug-in electric hybrid four months ago. It goes a paltry 26 miles on an electric charge before the gas engine kicks in.

I was skeptical about this short electric range. But in practice, we use almost no gas. In the last month, we used gas seven times. Most days we don't use any gas at all and our mileage readout looks like this:

999 mpg means that only the electric motor was used and no gas was burned. On the 25th we drove it in the morning, recharged it, then drove it in the afternoon.

We have filled the tank five times since we bought the car. We bought it in Salt Lake City and drove it home to Minnesota. Equally impressive is the fact that the car's gas range is 600 miles on a full tank.

It's a small SUV that can hold a lot of stuff -- we put two bikes in the cargo area along with our luggage on the way back from Utah.

The average person who commutes less than 26 miles a day will see similar results. But even someone who commutes the average 32 miles a day (and I pity the fool...) would commute 3,200 miles between trips to the filling station. And if you can plug in at work, you would use no gas at all.

And that's with a 26 mile electric range. Cars like the Tesla and the Nissan Leaf have much longer ranges, and could go several days without having to recharge. Yes, it would be a hassle to drive from Salt Lake to Minneapolis with one of those cars. But how often do people do that?

Electric cars currently use lithium batteries, and the lithium supply is kind of wonky. Most of it comes from a mile-high desert in Chile. But there are new battery technologies in the works that may not use such a hard-to-get material.

In the long run, though, gas-powered cars should be replaced by hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles. The hydrogen should be produced by electrolysis, using electricity from wind power or solar cells, which is a great way of storing that energy for later use.

At this point, every family with two cars should be looking to replace one of their gas-powered cars with an electric vehicle. Not only do you reduce carbon emissions, but you save money as well -- in most areas electricity costs half what gas does.

Plus, electric cars make this cool futuristic sound when they move.

Do you mind if I play through?

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Trump and His Cult Followers Are Fake Christians

Recently, President Trump tweeted this out...

I'm confused. I thought that he was a Christian as were his cult followers. The Bible is crystal clear on this.

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’

--Matthew 25:35-45

So, fake Christians.

Worse, by turning away these folks and being all hatey and xenophobic, Trump and his cult are pushing these people into the arms of our enemies. We should be taking them in and helping them, not just because it's the right thing to do, but also because it's geopolitically advantageous. And we have a fucking labor shortage in this country!

What the fuck is the matter with these people?

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Trump Camps

It's time to start calling the immigration centers in the southern part of our country what they are: Trump Camps. He likes to see his name everywhere and recognizes the importance of labels, right? Because he made this issue the centerpiece of his campaign, he needs to own it.

So, more stuff like this...

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How Phony Is Donald Trump?

Very Phony. It's all an act, folks

Being Informed

This one was for you, right-wing bloggers and commenters:)

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Friday, June 14, 2019

Trump Recants on Foreign Aid Statement

In a massive flip flop, President Trump recanted an earlier statement in which he admitted he would accept help from foreign agents if they offered dirt on his political opponents.

“Of course, you give it to the F.B.I. or report it to the attorney general or somebody like that,” Mr. Trump said on “Fox & Friends” in a telephone interview on Friday morning. “But of course you do that. You couldn’t have that happen with our country.”

Whew! Well, I for one am relieved and feel quite secure in knowing that our president would do the right thing now.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Trump Continues His Traitorous Ways

In an interview set to air Sunday on ABC, Donald Trump stated that he would listen to foreign government officials opposition research on political opponents. He went further to state that we would not necessarily report such an approach from a foreign government to the FBI. These statements represent further evidence that Donald Trump is in the game for himself and not for service to our country. What does this say about the people that support him?

It says they are selfish, vindictive, petty, and view liberals as less American than people that actually are not American. They are a cult of anger, hate and fear who are so far gone that they consider an act of treason to somehow be patriotic. Their support of this signals yet another example of how deeply authoritarian they are and how close we are to Germany in the 1930's.

Donald Trump has gone directly against his oath of office. It's time for him to be removed. Forcibly.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Abortion Is Here To Stay

Abortion foes may feel like they've scored some victories of late but a recent poll of the American people shows that 77% want Roe V Wade upheld. The simple fact is that when US citizens have things taken away from them, they don't like it. And the Roberts court is not going to overturn precedent.

Bill Clinton once famously said, "Abortion should be safe, legal and rare." I agree and that's my position. How we make it rare is the discussion we need to have right now and that needs to focus on the women who get the majority of abortions in this country, middle to upper class single white women in their 20's. Figuring out why they are so reckless and, quite frankly, dumb is the key here. Birth control is readily available everywhere and yet they have an unplanned pregnancy. Why?

We need to figure it out.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Gun Humpers Dealt Another Blow

The Supreme Court of the United States refused to hear a case regarding a ban on gun silencers, thus leaving a lower court ruling in place. States can continue to force registration for them or ban them altogether.

Given all the problems the NRA is having, the ongoing victories by Moms Demand Action, and the multiple states that now have outright bans on assault weapons (e.g. New York, Connecticut, California), the era of expanding guns rights is now officially over. We have now entered the era of Gun Rights contraction. 

I hope it lasts a while:)

The Republican Brain Part Nine: Are Conservatives From the Amygdala?

The last time we looked inside Chris Mooney's insightful and amazing book, The Republican Brain (and I realized it's been far too long...*lowers head sheepishly*), we looked at some of the possible issues with his overriding theory. We poked holes in it and wondered if the science really held up. It did.

The next chapter is the fourth and final part of the "Nature" section of Mooney's book and is titled, "Are Conservatives From The Amygdala?" The short answer is yes, they are. The simple fact is that conservatives have a larger right amygdala and liberals have more gray matter located in their anterior cingulated cortex (ACC). What does this mean? It means that conservatives allow the amygdala, which plays a key role in our emotional responses to threats and stimuli that evokes fear, to drive their reasoning. Liberals' reasoning, however, is driven by ACC which has been shown to detect mistakes and errors, leading one to make a corrective response. This is also known as "conflict monitoring.

All of this was confirmed by multiple studies, beginning with an MRI study of 90 University College of London Students in 2011. A University of Nebraska-Lincoln study from the same year showed that conservatives had a more pronounced startle reflex. Another "political brain scan" study was conducted by Darren Schreiber of the University of California-San Diego in 2010. This study showed that political conservatives have much higher activity in the amygdala when perceived risks are thrown at them.

So, as Mooney notes on page 114, "All in all, that's a fair bit of evidence connecting conservatism to the amygdala." In so many ways, this explains Donald Trump. For as much of a dumb ass as he is, he knows how to appeal to fear. And there is plenty of it physiologically located in the brains of conservatives. It's why they follow him no matter what he does. They are completely driven by emotion, not logic. Of course, you can tell this is true because of their strategy of attacking liberals for the very thing they do all the time (see also: trolling).

But what about the other side? The ACC? In 2007, John Jost, David Amodio, and several other NYU neuroscientists showed that liberals have far more active ACC's and are able to weed out faulty information. This would be why liberals can't watch Fox News for more than a few minutes without cringing. They quickly recognize faulty information because of their increased gray matter in their ACC.

Since Mooney's book was published, there have been multiple studies along these same lines. Here's a study from 2016 that illustrates how conservatives are all about negative emotions. Here's another study (from 2014) that shows that single stimulus data can reliably classify liberals from conservatives. Dr. Hibbing has even created a political physiology lab at Nebraska.

Now that we know that political ideology is inherently explained by physiological differences, what next? Is there anything we can do to counter the negative effects of what conservatives are naturally experiencing? Yes. Towards the end of the chapter, Mooney notes that children's politics are set in motion at a very early age. This is where the nurture part comes in and that's where Mooney is going in his next section, Enter The "Environment": Turning Against Change.

*Please click on the tag "The Republican Brain" if you want to review my previous summaries. 

Sunday, June 09, 2019

The Poison of the Alt-Right

The main story in today's Times illustrates just how much the alt-right is poisoning our country.  How familiar does this sound?

Mr. Cain, 26, recently swore off the alt-right nearly five years after discovering it, and has become a vocal critic of the movement. He is scarred by his experience of being radicalized by what he calls a “decentralized cult” of far-right YouTube personalities, who convinced him that Western civilization was under threat from Muslim immigrants and cultural Marxists, that innate I.Q. differences explained racial disparities, and that feminism was a dangerous ideology.

Reminds me a lot of the assholes from Kevin Baker's site. Make no mistake about it, folks, they are a CULT. And the propaganda they peddle is a great danger to our nation's security. They claim to be fighting for "freedom" but what they really want is an authoritarian state where they can subjugate anyone who they perceive as a threat.

Threats, of course, originate from most of the rest of us who want our society to evolve from the Neanderthal-like mentality they currently espouse. They are so petty and vindicative that making the world a better place somehow mushes up in their mind as a boiling pit of sewage. They can't see that it's their own personality disorder and ongoing mommy/daddy issues that cause them to see good things as evil.

Cain talks about being brainwashed. It looks likes it's time to start deprogramming...

Monday, June 03, 2019

Sunday, June 02, 2019

The Great Nazi Make Believe Game

The next time someone you know or are debating on the internet under reacts to Trump and his supporters clearly behaving like Nazis, show them this video.


And then tell them to fuck off. We are on to them and will be D Daying their asses every step of the way.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Trump Admits Russia Got Him Elected

After years of denying reality and calling the intelligence community and Democrats liars, Donald Trump finally admitted that Russia got him elected:

And it's not just "helping him to get elected." He won by such a narrow margin that Russia's sabotage of the American electoral process was the critical factor that put Trump over the top, by alienating Bernie supporters and discouraging black voters from going to the polls.

How can Republicans continue to back this corrupt, senile, tax-dodging racist piece of garbage?

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sunday, May 19, 2019

GOP Lawmaker: Impeach Trump

Michigan GOP Representative Justin Amash is the first Republican lawmaker to come out and admit the obvious: President Trump has engaged in impeachable behavior. He also accused Trump personal attorney masquerading as our attorney general William Barr of intentionally misleading the public. Here his principal conclusions:

1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report. 
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct. 
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances. 
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.

The last one really sucks. The report is only 400 pages. C'mon, people! This is our country we are talking about!!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Take That, China!

The Gun Cult Threatens Our National Security

The Gun Humpers can add some more bodies to their domestic terrorism enterprise with two school shootings last week. The first was at the University of North Carolina and the second was in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. After a few weeks, each of these incidents will be lost in the giant pile of mass shootings that we now have to endure every day because a minority of insecure, fat ass fucks with inadequacy issues need a firearm to help them through life.

It sickens me to no end that this has now become normal. I used to be of the mind that we could have a few laws here and there that could help prevent this. No longer. Because this has become a regular occurrence, the only thing that will truly prevent it is a complete repeal of the second ammendment and a ban on the civilian use of all guns. All other civilized nations have done this. We must follow suit if we want to save lives.

Further, we need to start jailing supporters of the NRA as domestic terrorists. This week saw Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America, receive. multiple death threats from NRA members. Take a look at some of these, folks. These are your gun rights supporters.

Time to Gitmo their asses.

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Arrest Trump, says all these federal prosecutors

Over 400 former federal prosecutors have said the following.

Each of us believes that the conduct of President Trump described in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report would, in the case of any other person not covered by the Office of Legal Counsel policy against indicting a sitting President, result in multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice.
The Mueller report describes several acts that satisfy all of the elements for an obstruction charge: conduct that obstructed or attempted to obstruct the truth-finding process, as to which the evidence of corrupt intent and connection to pending proceedings is overwhelming. These include:
· The President’s efforts to fire Mueller and to falsify evidence about that effort;
· The President’s efforts to limit the scope of Mueller’s investigation to exclude his conduct; and
· The President’s efforts to prevent witnesses from cooperating with investigators probing him and his campaign.

And the number continues to grow...

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Here's Some Clarity on Donald Trump

1. He owes the Russian mob a lot of money.

2. He is laundering it through Deustche Bank

3. All of this is in his financial records (taxes, bank statements) and that’s why he doesn’t want any of it publicly disclosed.

4. All of this is why he is buddy buddy with Putin.

5. The Russians helped Trump win the election and members of the Trump team helped them do it.

6. Trump obstructed justice and should be charged on multiple counts of this.

7. The last two points are crystal clear to anyone who reads the ENTIRE Mueller report and doesn't phone it in.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

It's a Question of Fairness

A common refrain among conservatives is that Democrats want illegal immigrants flooding into the country because they want more people to vote Democratic.

This, of course, is bogus. Illegal immigrants can't vote, and it takes at least five years to become a citizen after you get a green card, if you stay in the US consecutively. So bringing in new people won't help the Democrats in the near future. (Plus, most immigrants are socially conservative, and if Republicans weren't always scapegoating them, they'd probably vote Republican.)

The real reason Democrats oppose Trump's tyrannical policy on immigration is that it's all just grandstanding to whip up anger among the white supremacists that make up the majority of Trump's dwindling base.

Trump's administration just increased the number of H2B visas, allowing thousands more foreign workers into the country. His own companies are hiring hundreds of workers on those visas because he doesn't want to hire Americans, because Americans expect permanent jobs that pay well. And Trump just wants employees he can treat like slaves that he can threaten with deportation to keep them in line.

We're building a house, and most of the work crews (siding installers, roofers, masons) are Hispanic. They were nailing siding on our garage in the dead of winter when it was snowing and 10 below zero.

These people are not lazy bums looking for a handout. They're working jobs that Americans don't want. These workers aren't stealing jobs from Americans -- Americans are doing the skilled craftsman jobs that pay a lot more -- architects, designers, managers, electricians, plumbers, HVAC installers, tile installers, and framers.

The arguments Trump is levying against immigrants from Latin America, Africa and the Middle East are exactly the same arguments that were levied against Jews in the 1930s and 1940s, and against Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Chinese, and Japanese immigrants in the early 20th and late 19th centuries, and against Germans and French immigrants in the early 19th century.

Donald Trump's German grandfather and Scottish mother would never have made it into this country if the people like Trump had had their way -- they were dirty, diseased Huns and Gaels and weren't pure English blood.

A lot of our Irish, German, French and Italian ancestors were escaping famine and war in Europe, just like Latin American immigrants are trying to escape social chaos in their home countries. Democrats don't think it's right to use innocent people looking for a better way of life as scapegoats for race-baiting demagogues.

This country is not full. My dad, who is a big Trump supporter, recently went into the hospital for a heart procedure. He was so weak that he couldn't take a piss by himself. He needed help to hobble to the bathroom, and who got him there? An African immigrant orderly.

We can't find enough people to do the jobs that American-born citizens won't do. We need immigrants to do that work, especially considering the low birth rate and huge wave of retirements that's coming down the pike as baby boomers age out of the workforce.

It's really a question of fairness: our ancestors had the chance to come to America. As long as we need people to do the jobs Americans don't want to, we should give them the same shot my dad's Norwegian father got.

Because modern Norwegians sure aren't lining up in droves to help my dad take a piss.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Morning Reflection

This year on Easter, I'm thinking about the fact that the number of US citizens that belong to a church has plummeted 20 percentage points over the last two decades. We now stand around at around 50% of this country that affiliate themselves with churches. From the link.

Among Hispanic Americans, church membership dropped from 68% to 45% since 2000, a much bigger decline than for non-Hispanic white and black Americans. 

There was a big discrepancy over that 20-year period in regard to political affiliation: Church membership among Democrats fell from 71% to 48%, compared to a more modest drop from 77% to 69% among Republicans.

David Campbell, a University of Notre Dame political science professor who studies religion's role in U.S. civic life, attributed the partisan divide to "the allergic reaction many Americans have to the mixture of religion and conservative politics." 

"Increasingly, Americans associate religion with the Republican Party – and if they are not Republicans themselves, they turn away from religion," he said.

Indeed. And I would add in the fact that the ongoing issues with the Catholic church and raping boys doesn't really help at all either.

This cultural shift is a stunning development when you consider how, during the Bush years, we were all worried about the growing evangelical movement and how that would affect politics. No longer. Mega churches are closing down, regular sized churches struggle to retain families, and the number of people that identify as "unaffiliated" in this country now stands as the majority.

That would be me. I consider myself a libertarian Christian. I don't need someone who is insecure about their faith screaming to me about what the Bible really means. I'm a smart guy. I can figure it out for myself. I can read, after all:)

Further, while I enjoy the fellowship of churches and the communities they serve, I'm very wary of sharing faith with people. It should be more private in my view...kinda like taking a shit. It's a moment when you are vulnerable and there shouldn't really be anyone else witnessing it. Adding more people tends to muck it all up as they bring all their nonsense into the mix. Dilution of Christ's simple message invariably happens after that.

You can still have the community without the church. As I write this, I'm hanging out with my in laws in rural Iowa. We have around 30 people coming over for a family meal and Easter egg hunt. Very few of them are heading to church. Most of us just want the family time and the fun of being together.

We are all people of deep faith and we don't need a building to have those core convictions.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

People Who Aren’t Victims and Why Volume #3: Puppet Offense Takers

If a person is not offended by words or an action that another person takes toward them, YOU are not allowed to be offended for them.

Everyone has different morals, sensitivities, and likes/dislikes. That’s what makes our planet and the people on it fun and interesting. Taking personal offense for someone else is actually a giant fuck you to the person who you think should be upset. Shouldn’t you be considerate of their feelings? If it doesn’t bother them, what’s it to you? Kindly, get over yourself.

More importantly, deal with the obvious problem of jealousy and inadequacy that you feel because you aren’t the one getting the attention.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Monday, April 15, 2019

Death, Destruction and Picking Winners and Losers in the Aircraft Market

The following is a story of greed, technical incompetence and political malfeasance that will only backfire and hurt the American economy. Oh, and it will kill people too.

Boeing's 737 Max 8 passenger jet has been grounded after two deadly crashes. The FAA grounded the Max 8 only after every other civilized country in the world did so.

Boeing is trying to sell this as a "software glitch," but the fact is that Boeing radically changed the flight characteristics of the aircraft by installing bigger engines in order to compete with Airbus's A320neo, which was based on the A320. This video explains the technical details.

Basically, the A320neo engine upgrade improved engine efficiency by 15%, which would save the airlines billions of dollars in fuel costs. Because the engine could be slipped onto the wing with no other changes, it didn't require much extra training for pilots qualified on the A320.

Boeing wanted to do the same thing, but the 737's 50-year-old design is lower to the ground, which means the bigger engine can't fit under the wing. So a Boeing exec had a brilliant idea: move the engine up so it's partially above the wing.

This drastically changed the flight characteristics of the aircraft, causing its nose to pull up during full thrust, potentially causing a stall during takeoff. Boeing "fixed" the problem by adding a software system (MCAS) that forced the nose down when it detected a potential stall.

This meant that the plane did not behave like its predecessor, and pilots should have received significant training and simulator time on the aircraft. But Boeing lied, and said it was the same as the old plane and just offered an iPad course to train pilots on the new plane.

Because the MCAS system depends on sensors to force the nose down, the plane will crash if the sensors aren't operating properly. If the pilots weren't aware of these details, which Boeing didn't go out of their way to tell anyone about, they wouldn't know that MCAS is what's forcing the nose down. Boeing also made optional some of the safety features that alert the pilots when something bad is happening. Some airlines don't want to pay extra for these warning systems, so the pilots aren't alerted when these problems occur.

After the second crash, most countries in the world grounded the Max 8 almost immediately. But the FAA and the Trump administration diddled around for a couple of weeks before doing the right thing.

Of course, this could spell economic doom for Boeing, which makes a lot of money selling these flawed planes.

So, last week, Trump announced this:
“The World Trade Organization finds that the European Union subsidies to Airbus has adversely impacted the United States, which will now put Tariffs on $11 Billion of E.U. products!” President Trump said in a tweet on Tuesday morning. “The E.U. has taken advantage of the U.S. on trade for many years. It will soon stop!”
Yes, you got that right. Just after he grounded Boeing's Max 8 fleet for being unsafe, Trump imposed tariffs on Airbus's safe airplanes.

Because the engine is placed too high on the Max 8, it is never going to be as safe as the A320neo. It is inherently unstable under full thrust and requires a software hack to avoid stalling. But Trump wants to stop US airlines from buying Airbus and buy Boeing instead. He wants to force Americans to fly in unsafe aircraft.

Trump doesn't care if you die. He's got Airforce One and a personal 757.

Trump claims that Airbus receives unfair subsidies from European governments. But Boeing also receives subsidies in the form of tax breaks from South Carolina and Washington state. It isn't news that everyone coddles big companies that promise lots of high-paying jobs.

As with every trade war, the EU will retaliate with its own set of tariffs on American products, which will hurt American companies, in particular, Boeing and the rest of the US aircraft industry, which is already hurting because of the Max 8 fiasco. Nobody wins a trade war.

Boeing simply has an inferior and unsafe product. One that has killed hundreds of people. It makes no sense to punish Airbus for having a better airplane. People won't want to fly on Max 8s no matter how many software kludges they issue. The Max 8 design is literally fatally flawed.

Why is the president of the United States using tariffs to interfere with the market to force Americans to fly in planes that have a major design flaw? I thought Republicans thought government should let the market decide, rather than have government pick winners and losers.

But Trump isn't a real president. He's a stupid, senile old man who should be out cheating on the golf course instead of running the world's economy into the ground with his childish showboating.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

New Zealand Shows The World What Secure Adults Do

New Zealand has just shown the world what to do when you have ONE mass shooting: BAN GUNS. Their parliament just voted 119-1 to ban military style, semi automatic weapons. No longer will racist right wingers be able to commit the great acts of violence that they fantasize about on a daily basis. Like Australia, New Zealand will now join the rest of the civilized world and keep these types of weapons out of the hands of ordinary citizens where they never should have been in the first place.

We're about due for another mass shooting here, eh? It's been a little while and these things tend to work in cycles. How many more Americans have to die just so some insecure older white male with saggy tits can have his safe space? Sadly, several more.

There is some good news, however, and the gun humpers seem completely oblivious to it which is fine by me. Take a look at all of the victories that are piling up on both the federal and state level. The pace of these has increased since Parkland and if there is another mass shooting, there will be more until we finally get it right.

If I were a gun rights activist, I'd be beyond worried now. You've lost the argument. It's merely a matter of time now before they start coming for your guns...hee hee...

Sunday, April 07, 2019

Gun McNutt Goes Too Far Even for Texas

A gun nut, ironically named Chris McNutt, who thinks anyone should be able to walk around carrying a gun without a permit has eighty-sixed the very law he was advocating for:
A Texas bill allowing gun owners to carry concealed firearms without a permit is now indefinitely stalled after a pro-gun activist advocated for the legislation by stalking state lawmakers — even appearing at their homes.

On Friday, Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen announced plans to abandon the “constitutional carry” bill after the activist, Chris McNutt, showed up at his doorstep and at the homes of two other lawmakers.

McNutt, executive director of the nonprofit Texas Gun Rights, was reportedly outraged the bill failed to advance quickly through the legislature. He posted a series of rants to his group’s Facebook page complaining about the legislative inaction. He followed these posts with videos of himself visiting the neighborhoods of two Republican state lawmakers, Reps. Dustin Burrows of Lubbock and Four Price of Amarillo.
This nut job went to Bonnen's house while his wife and son were home, and Bonnen was 200 miles away in Austin for a scheduled legislative session.
Friday, Bonnen called McNutt’s actions “gutless intimidation tactics.”

“One fringe organization’s leader disturbingly traveled over 700 miles in 24 hours just to visit the homes of lawmakers — knowing full well that members were hundreds of miles away in our Capitol while wives and children were alone,” Bonnen said in a statement.
The fact is, people like McNutt want guns precisely because they want to threaten and intimidate people. They want to flash their firearms in public around because they don't want "people to mess with them." That is, they want to be able to bluster and insult and intimidate and threaten other people at will, and then flash their guns when they're called out for their dickish behavior.

There are legitimate reasons for some people to have guns: deer hunters, Olympic biathletes, bounty hunters, cops, security guards, etc. People who shouldn't have guns include dope dealers, wife beaters, and racist dickheads.

Racism is the motivation for laws like Florida's Stand Your Ground law: George Zimmerman wasn't convicted of murder for killing Trayvon Martin because that law was passed for the express purpose of letting whites shoot blacks at will.

People who fervently want guns are exactly the ones who should not have them, because strong emotions and guns do not mix. If emotion -- fear or anger -- is the entire rationale for gun ownership, those people shouldn't have guns.

They should instead work to remove that source of fear or anger from their lives through legal means, rather than thinking that they can shoot their way out of it -- because the source of their fear can also have a gun.

The second and third words of the Second Amendment are "well regulated." The First Amendment contains no such wording about freedom of speech, yet there are numerous laws and regulations governing what you can and can't say and where and when you can say it -- libel, slander, obscenity in public places and on television and radio, as well as specific calls to violence against public figures.

We have freedom of speech, yet licenses are required for television and radio broadcasters on public airwaves. Why not licenses for guns on public streets?

It is specious nonsense to say that the Constitution grants the individual absolute right to brandish firearms as they will. And maybe even Texas is beginning to understand how truly whacked these gun nuts are.

Saturday, April 06, 2019

People Who Aren’t Victims and Why Volume #2: Issue Hijackers

Lately I have noticed people bringing their low level of emotional intelligence and, well, crazy ass bullshit into serious issues, latching on to them merely out of childish rage. If someone offends you, stop and think about it. Is this really offensive generally or is it about me?

Hurt feelings or sensitivities aren’t cause to accuse someone of sexism, racism, homophobia or religious bigotry. These types of petulant outbursts erode progress on these issues.

Your personal crap is your responsibility.

Friday, April 05, 2019

Trump Says Solar Power Causes Skin Cancer

AP -- After being ridiculed for claiming that wind turbines causes cancer, President Donald Trump doubled down on his campaign against renewable energy. In Florida for the 165th golf trip of his presidency, the president sported a red MAGA golf hat while doing doughnuts on the greens in his souped-up golf cart.

While the president stopped to rest during the 20-foot walk from his golf cart across the sand hazard at the 13th tee, where his gold-plated golf ball rolled after a bad toss by his caddie, who had fished it out of the water hazard, he took questions from reporters.

"There's no question about it, solar power is very, very, very dangerous," Mr. Trump said, panting from exertion. "I can tell you from very, very personal experience how very, very dangerous the sun is. Just look at my skin. Look how very, very orange the sun has made it. I've been hearing that the sun emits very, very dangerous ultra-violent radiation that causes cancer. So that proves that solar power causes skin cancer.

"My very, very intelligent uncle was a physi-, fizzle- -- very, very smart man with great -- great! genes -- Einstein level genius -- you know, he invented X rays! -- told me if that socialist Green New Deal went through 400 million Americans will die every year from skin cancer.

"He told me that carbon dioxide and soot and ozone and sulfur dioxide from burning coal and gasoline forms a very, very protective layer in the atmosphere that prevents all that ultra-violent radiation from giving us skin cancer.

"The smartest people are saying that if climate change is real -- which it isn't, it's all a hoax that AOC -- who sucks very, very hard -- I should know how hard she sucks, I'm from New York too -- it's a hoax she started in 1985, the same year my genius uncle died -- he was born in Germany in the same town as Einstein, on the same, in the same hospital -- if climate change is real, then we'll have to use geoengineering and put more of that stuff in the air. So burning coal will stop climate change -- which isn't happening! -- and prevent skin cancer!"

In non-fake news, a judge in Arizona ruled that the Central Arizona Project (which buys millions of megawatt hours of electricity to power irrigation pumps) could stop buying power from a coal-fired power plant, which the owners had decided to close because natural gas and renewable energy were far cheaper.

To wit: Idaho Power announced that it would be buying power from a solar farm for 2.2 cents a kilowatt hour. This was part of Idaho Power's announcement that they would switch to 100 percent clean energy within 25 years, relying totally on wind, solar and hydro power.

Note that Trump won the popular vote in Idaho by 59% to Clinton's 27%. Conservative Idaho, often associated with white separatists and survivalists, is not buying Trump's campaign against renewables. Also note that the four of the top five states in wind power production voted for Trump in 2016: Texas, Iowa, Oklahoma and Kansas.

I don't get it. Most conservatives don't buy Trump's lies on energy production. Most don't buy his lies on closing the Mexican border. Conservative business owners need more workers than they can find, especially in construction and farming. There are thousands of workers eager to come here from Mexico and Central America. Most conservatives don't like his trade policies, with all the punitive tariffs that Americans are paying -- not China, and the retributive tariffs that are literally driving American farmers into bankruptcy.

Why does anyone like this guy?

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Marked Safe!

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Trump's Mental Condition Continues to Deteriorate

Donald Trump has shown serious signs of senility for at least the last five years. And the evidence keeps mounting.

Trump has claimed that his father was born in Germany at least three times, most recently the other day when he was meeting with NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg:
"I mean, Germany, honestly, is not paying their fair share. I have great respect for Angela and I have great respect for their country," the president said of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "My father is German. Right? Was German. And born in a very wonderful place in Germany, and so I have a great feeling for Germany."
Trump's father was born in New York. His grandfather was born in Germany, came to the United States as a teenager, went back to Germany after living in the US for a time and begged to stay there, but the Germans deported him for evading military service as a youth. Draft-dodging runs in the Trump blood, I guess.

Like some wacky old grandpa, Trump thinks that wind turbines cause cancer because they make noise. Infrasound, in particular. You know what else makes infrasound? The wind. The waves. Whales. And every motor that runs in every city and every farm.

You know what really causes cancer? Coal: coal dust causes cancer in miners and the general population can get cancer from breathing coal soot and drinking water contaminated by effluent constantly spilling from pits filled with coal ash. Oil also causes cancer, from the chemicals used to extract it with fracking, to the crap spewed into the air from refining it (like benzene), to breathing the soot produced by burning diesel, to the fumes you inhale when you fill your tank.

And then there are Trump's frequent speech problems. Trump was unable to pronounce the word "origins" three times on Tuesday, saying "oranges" instead. Which is pretty hilarious, considering how orange Trump looks. Steven Colbert mocked Trump for these mispronunciations, which people politely call "gaffes" but are really signs of his deteriorating mental condition.

It has long been clear that Trump is a senile old dotard, as the love of Trump's life, Kim Jong Un, called him. Trump's Twitter feed and his administration's policies should be evidence enough of that, but when he starts losing it in full public view, even Republicans should realize that it's time to quietly demand his resignation behind closed doors.

Trump can claim he needs to spend more time cheating at golf.

People Who Are Not Victims and Why Volume1: MAGA Hat Wearers

If you put on a MAGA hat and then whine when people take you to the mat about it, tough shit. The MAGA hat is a symbol of hate and oppression rooted in racism and sexism. Expect to be hassled if you are out in public. Stop blaming others for the ideas you have embraced.

Our culture has ZERO room for this shit anymore and you will be held accountable.

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

This Is Getting Ridiculous

Last week a woman breathlessly reported that Joe Biden kissed her inappropriately -- on the back of the head in a completely asexual fashion, in front of hundreds of people. It was demeaning, she said. The other day another woman said that Joe Biden grabbed her head and rubbed noses.

This is getting extremely silly. What's next? "When Joe Biden shook my hand he clasped his other hand over mine and I felt oppressed, claustrophobic and unable to escape." Or "Joe Biden yelled in my ear at a campaign rally when everyone was clapping and screaming. And he sprayed spittle on my ear!" Or "Joe Biden leaned in to talk to me and he breathed on me and I could smell that he ate sausage and eggs for breakfast! And I'm a vegan!"

I'm from Minnesota, where physical displays of affection are less common than other places. I used to have a boss from Maryland. He would touch us to express support, putting his hands on our shoulders (no, he wasn't gay...). I didn't really like it, but I tolerated it. He clearly meant nothing by it, that was just the culture he came from.

If it were up to me, shaking hands wouldn't be a thing. It's a pointless invasion of personal space, a vector for disease, an anachronism supposedly hearkening back to ancient Greece to show that you weren't carrying a weapon.

The Japanese practice of bowing is much more respectful and hygienic, and allows for more subtlety and nuance than a handshake.

Then there are the jerks who use the handshake as a form of aggression and intimidation (like that dickhead Trump). I, like a lot of people, have arthritis, and shaking hands with a guy who likes to squeeze hard doesn't intimidate or threaten me -- it just proves the guy is stupid, inconsiderate lout who cannot be trusted.

The argument that "it's different for women" just doesn't cut it. Biden has done exactly the same sorts of things with men, as Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post noted. And other women, including Stephanie Carter, wife of former secretary of defense Ash Carter, have expressed appreciation for Biden's physical expressions of support.

So far, none of the things Biden has done disqualify him in any way for being president. Democrats lodging these complaints are only helping the Republicans. Not because they are tearing down Joe Biden.

But because they further the Republican narrative that Democrats are completely bound up in PC culture, that Democrats are delicate little flowers triggered by the slightest perceived offense, that they are intolerant and can't respect the fact that other people and cultures have different standards of physical intimacy, that they accuse people falsely and imagine slights where none are intended.

This, in the Republican narrative, makes Democrats weak and incapable of running a country in a world filled with rough and tumble people.

I don't think Joe Biden should run for president. He's too old. And, to state the obvious, this behavior is indicative of his age, showing that he's from a different era with different standards of behavior, when physical contact implied trust, camaraderie and affection.

But these allegations of impropriety for innocent acts of support are preposterous and deleterious to all Democrats. Worse, these spurious allegations diminish the credibility of victims of real sexual harassment.

Knock it off, you idiots.