
Monday, September 25, 2006

Conspiracies A Go Go

Last week, I wrote about the 9-11 attacks from a very emotional and personal point of view. This week, I thought it would be interesting if we took a look at some of the conspiracy theories that are out there regarding the 9-11 attacks and see if any of them have any credence. There have been some interesting remarks in the comments section about some of these theories so I thought I would dive in with some of my own and open up the forum to an official discussion to all of the information that is out there. Let's start with an overall discussion of conspiracies.

Most of you who know me know that I believe the following to be true:

1. The United States government has been hiding the truth about UFOs from us, in particular the crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. This has been done out of concern that we would panic and because the truth about ETs goes along with the truth about human origins, our place in the universe, and how these facts represent a total loss of control of the government's authority over us. If you doubt the veracity of my statements or are now laughing hysterically, I would suggest you buy The Day After Roswell by Colonel Phillip J Corso and Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs. I don't think there will be much laughing after you read these two books.

2. On November 22, 1963 a coup d'etat occurred in our country much like the ones we see around the world everyday. The perpetrators were members of our own government and military who essentially saw President Kennedy as a threat to their way of life i.e. the money and power they had accumulated. The subsequent assassinations of Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy and John Lennon (all threats as well) cemented their power base and their stranglehold over us. These same people have been running the show, more or less, for the last 40 + years although these days they use scandal (mostly sexually based to freak out the neocons) to oust people from power. Assassination is employed only if someone is really going to change things for the better.

Over the years and throughout history there have been many other conspiracies but I chose these two because I believe they represent a fundamental American reality regarding how our culture works and what we have become. Part of how that culture works is the reaction that the word "conspiracy" brings when it is brought up in our culture. The next word that usually goes along with it is "paranoia," thus discrediting any notion that ANY part of conspiracy is true. It must be all imagined! And then, of course, Elvis invariably comes into the mix and the "loony" picture is painted for all to see. If you think I am kidding, check out how the media covers UFOs. They always put everyone in the same box: the loony one. It does a tremendous disservice to the serious researchers and scientists out there are who have accumulated volumes of evidence. People like Stanton Friedman, who have accumulated volumes of photos and piles of trace evidence are laughed at because.....don't you know?....there's no such thing as UFOS!

This same "loony" label is applied to those people who believe in 9-11 conspiracies. Some Americans have a difficult time believing that cover-ups happen here. We hear about assassinations, coups, murders, conspiracies and all sorts of crazy shit happening in other countries and we believe all of them. America is different. That could never happen here, right? We are perfect. We are all honest and we are superior. People in virtually every other country believe a conspiracy first and tend to think that any simple explanation (i.e. lone nut, evil doers a-comin' to get us, swamp gas) is what is really crazy.

The official claim is often the story that seems too ridiculous to believe. In the case of the JFK assassination, the Zapruder film (see above frame) clear shows Kennedy being shot from a position to the right and front of him. Yet somehow we are expected to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the one guy above and behind the president that fired that shot.

If one decides to take the time to research these claims in a serious fashion, the amount of evidence is often overwhelming. So, it is with this spirit that we will dive into 9-11 and take a look at what is likely, what is possible, and what is utterly silly.


1. People in our government knew 9-11 was going to happen and they let it happen to further their own goals.
2. Key elements of security were stripped away to allow 9-11 to take place.
3. Several distractions and "red herrings" were thrown out there to further confuse the public

1. Explosive charges were place inside the towers ahead of time, including Tower 7.
2. The crash into the Pentagon was not a plane but a missile.
3. United 93 (below) was shot down, not bravely brought down.
4. People, who knew in advance of the attacks, sold stocks to gain and not lose money.

1. The planes were flown by remote control.
2. All of the hijackers were actually CIA agents
3. Israel was behind the attacks.
4. President Bush knew ahead of time about the attacks.

These are the basic theories that are out there. There are others but they are all subsets of these so I just picked these eleven. Let's start with the unlikely theories and work our way backwards.

Some researchers believe that the planes were flown by remote control and that passengers were killed at a later point. I find this hard to believe as many family members received cel phone calls from the people on the planes. They all described Muslims as the hijackers so I think the Israeli and CIA deal is just plain stupid. I also think that George Bush knew nothing of the attacks ahead of time. His reaction (or non-reaction as was the case) showed me he had no idea what was going on. His role is to be the figure head and cheerleader. If people in our government knew ahead of time that there was going to be an attack, they would have left President Bush out of the loop for the reason of plausible deniability. Don't get me wrong. I still think Bush is a bad dude but he is more of a follower of evil and not an 0riginator of evil.

Now we get to the theories that are possible. I find it extremely odd that both of the towers fell exactly into a hole. The official explanation seems incomplete. How did the buildings fall so precisely? Then again, I am not an architect or a metallurgist so maybe I don't know what I am talking about. But Steven E Jones, a physicist at Brigham Young University, does and argued that a "gravity driven collapse" without demolition charges would defy the laws of physics. And the collapse of Tower 7 still remains a mystery as all official reports offer no conclusive explanation for the collapse. FEMA released the following findings:

The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel fuel on the premises contained massive potential energy, the best hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence. Further research, investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue.

Several interviews with local firefighters on the scene that day said that WTC 7 had to be "brought down" for safety. When did people have time to plant charges (which normally takes weeks) and blow up a building when chaos was everywhere and the attacks had just occurred hours before?

The Pentagon crash also bothers me. First of all, why is the only witness I have ever seen interviewed a reporter (Mike Walter from USA Today)? And he said that a missile-like object", not a plane, flew into the building. He later recanted and said he misspoke. I find it odd that all of the people that were on the highway have not come forward to discuss what they saw that day. No one really even talks about the Pentagon crash. The only video we have is some blurry time lapse stuff. You can't really see anything. I went into Target the other day and was on 30 high definition cameras every where I went in the store. Am I to believe that the nerve center of our armed forces only has cameras that are 30 years old and cover the building only from distance of a half mile? And why can't we see the camera footage from the gas station across the street? That tape has been confiscated for national security.

The United 93 flight also bothers me. The photos that I have seen of the wreckage suggest a break up in the air as debris is strewn about for a half mile or more. Look closely at the picture on your left that is from FEMA. Click on it to blow it up if you have to. There also seems to be a lack of debris which also suggest a shoot down. And what happened to the bodies? Any crash should have bodies but there wasn't anything but a small amount of remains. We do know that President Bush gave the order for a shootdown so I guess I am wondering, if that did happen, why won't they tell us? I think most of us would understand, given the gravity of the situation, that it would've been necessary.

There are also reports of people that sold stock in advance of the 9-11 attacks. According to the 9-11 Steering Committee ( a group made up of 9-11 widows and independentt researchers), "Never before on the Chicago Exchange were such large amounts of United and American Airlines options traded. These investors netted a profit of at least $5 million after the September 11th attacks. Interestingly, the names of the investors remain undisclosed and the $5 million remains unclaimed in the Chicago Exchange account."

Which brings us to what I believe really happened on 9-11. The 9-11 commission report details that several government officials knew that Al Qaeda was going to attack inside of the United States. The official explanation has always been "bureaucratic entanglements" but then National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice stated that she had received a report entitled "Bin Laden determined to attack in the United States." So, I guess my question is, why didn't they do anything?

In October of 1999 the Pentagon created Able Danger, a group specifically designed to track terrorists. In recently declassified documents, this group had identified Mohammed Atta (as a dangerous terrorist determined to attack inside the US) and three of the other 9-11 hijackers a full year and a half before the attacks! This contradicts the White House's version which has always said they knew nothing of Atta until after the attacks. Able Danger was effetively shut down in May of 2001. The White House's own terrorism task force, headed by Dick Cheney was created in May of 2001. It never met a single time. So, the program that was making progress, identified Atta, and was actually fighting terror was.....shut down and at the same time a new one, in the White House, was created that did nothing and never convened.


In addition, I found the complete lack of response by our military to be troubling. Jets were scrambled, flew around, and did nothing. The official explanation is that no combat ready jets were close to the target sites. Yet, Andrews Air Force base is 15 miles away from the Pentagon and you know what? I hear they have some planes there. They had plenty of time, after the second plane hit the South Tower, to get in the air and protect potential targets in Washington. I also find it extremely hard to believe that the FAA basically decided to throw out their rule book on tracking planes on September 11th. When a plane's transponder goes offline and a plane changes course on a normal day, alarm bells go off. Yet, most of the testimonies contain vague notions of what was going on and bizarre comments along the lines of "We had no idea what was happening. We were too much in shock to figure it out." Huh? Don't these people train for potentially crazy catastrophes all the time?

Even more strange are all of the military exercises happening around the East Coast on September 11th. According to Wikipedia:

The following war games and training events were being conducted by USAF, NORAD, CIA, NRO, FAA and FEMA:

1. Northern Vigilance: a yearly Air Force drill simulating a Russian attack, in which defense aircraft normally patrolling the Northeast are re-deployed to Canada and Alaska.

2. Vigilant Guardian: a NORAD exercise posing an imaginary crisis to North American Air Defense outposts nationwide with a simulated air war and an air defense exercise simulating an attack on the United States.

3. On the morning of 9/11, 50 minutes before Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, the National Reconnaissance Office, who are responsible for operating US reconnaissance satellites, had scheduled an exercise simulating the crashing of an aircraft into their building, four miles from Dulles airport.

4. Tripod II, a FEMA drill simulating a biowarfare attack in New York City, was to take place on September 12th. FEMA set up a command post for this exercise at Pier 29 on September 10th.

It is theorized that with these multiple training scenarios being carried out that NORAD, FAA and other military personnel would have been confused in the event of a real attack.

What the...? You mean our government, which had no idea at all that hijackers were going to fly planes into buildings, was actually drilling for a response to that very scenario on the same day that it actually happened? This is the part of all of the conspiracy theories that really sticks out as beyond suspicious to me. And it shows how our government has been flat out lying to us.

All of these theories I have discussed are covered extremely well in a new book by Jim Marrs entitled The Terror Conspiracy. I urge all of you to read this book as it contains some startling information about what happened on that day. It is very well researched, resourceful book for all things related to 9-11 conspiracies and if your first reaction is to dismiss these theories as "loony," read this book and then come talk to me. As one reviewer on Amazon put it:

"If you aren't convinced by the obvious, then I recommend you put down this book and get back to the flock; I'm sure they miss you....If you read this book and still wholeheartedly believe the 9/11 Commission Report, then I'd like to discuss with you a proposition wherein you transfer all of the money in your savings account over to my savings account. "

It's pretty clear to me, given the direction our country has taken in the last five years, that several key people in our government and in our corporations benefited greatly from the 9-11 attacks. After the attacks, a frightened population gave our leaders a green light to do whatever they wanted. I myself fell into it, as many of you will remember, being a proponent of the invasion of Iraq. I think the picture at left sums up about how well the Iraq thing is going and I consider myself to be partly responsible for this. The 9-11 attacks provided Bush Co with the political capital to go after the resources in Iraq, which at the time, were going into Europe. And we all know how important money is to Americans.

I believe that key people in our leadership knew what was coming on September 11th and they let it happen to further their own plans for power and domination. We like to think of America as a benevolent place but we are really no different than any other empire in history. The people in power, particularly the folks running the show now, have one goal: the accumulation of wealth through whatever means necessary. That wealth brings them power and control to lord over us. Sometimes that means trying to control chaos to achieve even more power and reap more financial rewards. That is what happened on 9-11. They are not interesed in protecting us in any way. If they did, the leadership of Al Qaeda would have been in custody a long time ago rather than dangling in the wind...serving the purpose of fear and paranoia thus making us submissive. If they did, they wouldn't have let 3000 people die needlessly on 9-11 and thousands more since then in Iraq.

I have no idea for certain who these men are that allowed this to happen. It would be silly for me to accuse anyone, without any real proof, of knowing about the attacks ahead of time. I do, however, have a pretty good idea who knew and so do all of you.

Maybe someday they will be brought to justice.


Phil from Minnetonka said...

The problem with conspiracy theories is that they can be neither proved nor disproved. All of this may have happened. Or not. What could possibly constitute proof at this point? Take, for example, so-called eye witnesses at the Pentagon. If MSNBC paraded a dozen commuters who all claim to have seen a plane strike the Pentagon, and I trust the reporter, the producer, and the network, I might accept it. Or, if I truly believe in the missile conspiracy, there is no number of witnesses that will change my mind.

So we're stuck.

Personally I believe it is always good to listen to the "loonies" and hear what they have to say. It's just another data point in my decision making process. What you've described in this essay is certainly food for thought. I feel much less certain about the events than I did before.

Regarding the "pancaking" of the Twin Towers - I saw a Discovery Channel special on the failure of the WTC structure and, as an engineer, found it completely believable. Bin Laden tried unsuccessfully to topple the towers in 1993 but apparently didn't understand the structural design completely - his strategy was flawed from the start. On 9/11 he had done his homework. You couldn't have designed a better assault on the structure. That's not my opinion - that's the opinion of the structural engineer of the WTC.

As for why Tower 7 dropped - it's not as if no one has any ideas why they fell. You make it sound as if there is no possible explanation. There are many plausible reasons - I believe the most like has to do with the earthquake caused by the collapse of the other towers destablizing the foundation. Especially coupled with damage sustained from falling debris. Yep, I could see that happening.

It's always good to have a healthy level of skepticism. But in the end it always seems to come down to belief, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

You might be surprised to learn that I whole-heartedly agree that somebody in the government knew that an attack on our country was going to occur. Just as:

** Woodrow Wilson (D) was evidently complicit in, or at the very least indifferent to, the sinking of the Lusitania, an act that sparked our involvement in WWI.
** FDR (D) evidently had full knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack in advance...even his wife commented as much in her memoirs.
** LBJ (D) before a national audience decrying what was evidently a staged Gulf of Tonkin incident, a key escalation point of Vietnam.

To think that our government is innocent even before the past 20 years is quite likely naive. The perpetuation of that naivete is likely due to the fact that separation from the incidents takes the edge off...history has come to view those incidents favorably or even to forget them altogether.

For anybody who doubts the similarities between government today and government 50 years ago, let me offer a quote:
the world must choose between alternative ways of life. One was based on the will of the majority...distinguished by free institutions; the other was based on the will of a minority....terror and oppression
Who said this? GWB last week? Nope. It was Harry Truman when introducing to the country his Truman Doctrine, a critical turning point that ultimately led to entry of this country into the Korean Conflict.

For anybody who doubts the similarities between government/society today and government 500 years ago, let me offer this: read Marlowe's Tamburlaine and understand the context in which it was written. Of particular note, the casting of the Ottomans as the enemy despite more recent moderated relation under QE1.

What's my point? I guess that, unlike Markadelphia's claim that people who vote like me are uninformed or stupid, I have a pretty good sense of what happens in our government. There are countless things that our military/CIA/FBI/government does that I don't know about, and I'm not going to lose any more sleep over those things than I am the ones I do know about. I'm more worried about people who think that our country is a "shining example" of anything other than the perpetuation of the human race in its most materialistic sense – a condition that I happen to be 100% OK with, by the way.

I think a healthy dose of skepticism, even to the point of lunacy, is great. Not just great, but necessary. But I expect there to be some measure of responsibility among those positing what I'll call "alternate" theories. I don't see any such responsibility among the leadership of the Democrats. Dean, Reid, Pelosi, and the bunch are oh so quick to jump on the negative, yet even when the negative proves to be false, they rarely (if ever) offer up an "Ooops...sorry" because they've moved on to the next rumor they hope is true. And I certainly don't see any such responsibility from the internet bloggers, who not only perpetuate negative rumors but also quite often initiate them.

The end result of the lunacy/skepticism necessarily must be that we do not lose control over the government as a whole. IMO, satisfactory control is being maintained.

My two cents on our government's knowledge of 9/11:
** Having interpreted GWB's reaction differently than Markadelphia, I still agree with him that GWB had no knowledge. In his eyes and demeanor I saw an anger that reflected my own, something that would have been impossible IMO to manufacture.
** I believe nobody knew of the exact nature of the attack. Whoever was aware of the exact threat level of AQ likely didn't piece together the airplane attack. The smoking gun memo that Rice gets so much crap for didn't indicate to me that somebody knew an airplane attack was coming. "Actionable intelligence" being the key concept. But, as I've supported on this blog before, certainly somebody in this government knew of the threat of AQ and (quite obviously) failed to counteract the threat.
** The idea of a massive government conspiracy is ridiculous to the extreme. How can a group of people so heavily scrutinized and so unable to maintain a secret of any other kind be so adept at coordinating the story between firefighters, police, port authority, eyewitnesses, widows and widowers, and the media, who have apparently agreed to help cover-up the biggest mass murder in US history?
** This is just a gut feeling, but I don’t buy the idea that any "red herrings" were thrown out by any government officials. If for no other reason than that there weren’t any red herrings required in order to generate confusion. The status quo led to enough confusion. I'm unmoved by the talk regarding drills that were taking place that day….I have no reason to believe that was out of the ordinary, nor do I have any reason to believe that people training for something like that makes them, when the day finally comes, any more ready to handle it. As a practical example, anybody who has had to evacuate a burning building knows that what happens in a leisurely drill environment will not necessarily hold up in the real event. The power of "I can’t believe this is happening" to numb the senses and generate confusion is undeniable.

My two cents on additional 9/11 issues:
** It was absolutely a plane that hit the Pentagon. It is incorrect to assert that "no witnesses have come forward". Many witnesses have offered their view. Some said a 757 hit the building. Others said it was a different kind of plane. In this case, the simplest explanation – that it was Flight 77 and that eyewitness testimony to the contrary is predictably unreliable – is perfectly viable.
** Building 7 collapsed because of the damage and was not demolished. There are enough firefighters and other officials who were on-scene telling me what was going on:
I'm satisfied with their explanation over somebody who sees something "unusual" in some photograph, or who is quoting something that may or may not have been said during the confusion.
** The two WTC towers collapsed due to the damage/fire caused by the planes. Like Phil, I have seen enough analysis of what happened to deem the official explanation satisfactory. Refutations that I’ve seen almost invariably rely on untrained eyewitnesses hearing or seeing things, or they rely on conjecture that cannot be proven or disproven.
** I frankly don't care whether or not Flight 93 was shot down. It's akin to wondering whether or not a firefighter who died was actually being heroic at the moment he died. I don't see any benefit in covering-up that it was a shoot-down, and since audiotape evidence suggests the passengers were storming the cabin, I'm comfortable with that explanation. I've also heard enough experts state that the debris field could be consistent with a high-speed plane crash so as to comfortably allay any questions in my mind about other possibilities.

While hovering around the JFK issue....has anybody seen the special on the Discovery Channel re: the Australian crew that re-created the shooting? I'm not trying to sell it to you, but here's a link to the dvd to point out the name:
I mention it for two reasons:
1) I've always been suspect of the lone shooter theory, in large part because of the "magic bullet". Admittedly, I don't know much about guns and ammo, so the magic bullet theory really spoke to that ignorance. This is the first physical evidence that I've seen that supports the magic bullet theory, and does a lot to refute my common sense-based perception of what to expect.
2) It very clearly illustrates how a legitimate expert with no personal or political bias can interpret the facts as he/she knows them and reach a completely incorrect conclusion about what actually occurred. The conclusions of this particular show aside, it's a prime example of all of us needing to use our senses when it comes to forming an opinion and not simply relying on what "an expert" says. Particularly those that have an agenda or a stake in the analysis.

Mark Ward said...

PL, nice post.

I agree that past governments have been secretive as well. I just didn't have time to compare Pearl Harbor to 9-11. I also don't think that you are "uninformed or stupid." After all, you did vote for John Kerry.

I will have to check out that JFK thing. Hey, do you know who put forward the "magic bullet" theory for the Warren Commission? Arlen Spector, longtime Republican Senator from Pensylvania who is currently the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee AKA the man who gets to decided whether or not to impeach President Bush. Awfully interesting if you ask me....

Anonymous said...

Surely you don't think the John Lennon assassination was a conspiracy though, right?? :)

Mark Ward said...

Well, there are some suspicious things about John's death. It's easy to write off Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon, as lunatic. Here are some things to think about:

Right before he shot John, MDC said he heard a voice saying "Do It" over and over again. He dropped into a military stance and shot John five times. He then calmly took out a copy of Catcher in the Rye and threw his gun on the ground. Whe the police arrived, they thought he was a witness and the murderer hed fled. He calmly gave himself up and has no memory to this day of any of thes events. A little Manchurian Candidate eh?

The FBI had considered John a threat for years. During the early 1970s, under Nixon, they had labelled him as dangerous and willing to foment a rebellion. They had his phones tapped and eventually had him deported. This is all the subject of a new film called The US vs. John Lennon. Lennon chilled out and was a house dad from 1975-1980 but was on the cusp of making a comeback with a new album and possible tour at the time of his murder. Reagan was just about to take office, with many of the same people that were around when Nixon was in office. There is no doubt in my mind that they saw John as someone who could make things unpleasant for them and their plans. After all, John represented life and they represented death. To me, it's a classic struggle between good and evil.

Imagine John Lennon, with all his popularity and power that came with it, travelling around the country questioning all the shit that Reagan/Bush Co did in the 1980s. John had a tremendous amount of influence over the youth of America, doubly so in the eyes of the establishment. I think he was perceived as a threat that needed to be eliminated.

Check out the book Who Killed John Lennon by Fenton Bresler for more information.

blk said...

Mark, I think that the Bush administration's record of lies and incompetence on everything from who wrote their energy policy to the war in Iraq to the Medicaid drug benefit to Katrina is sufficient to warrant their removal from office. Conspiracy theories serve only to marginalize you and others who call for the same actions you do.

There is some news on the anthrax front, however. Just the other day, the FBI announced that they had made a mistake and that the antrhax spores hadn't been weaponized, didn't have special additives and didn't have the same DNA as the anthtrax from US weapons labs. They now have no clue who might be responsible for killing five Americans with anthrax. My question: how could they have been so wrong in the first place?

As with everything else that comes out of the Bush administration, they're telling us now that they completly screwed it up in the first place, but now everything is under control. We are left with three alternatives: 1) they were lying then, or 2) they were incompetent then, or 3) they are lying now.

With the Medicaid drug benefit we have 100% proof that the Bush administration was lying. They initially stated the cost would be much less than it turned out to be (that money is all going, of course, to large pharmaceutical companies). They threatened to fire a government worker who wanted to tell Congress the truth.

Ditto with Katrina: Bush said a couple of days after the hurricane hit that no one could have foreseen that the levees would break. Yet there is video of Bush being told in a briefing before Katrina hit that the levees would fail.

And of course, there's all the weasel-wording and posturing and misleading statements that he and Cheney spout to this day to link Iraq to 9/11 in people's minds. All this, even after a reporter asked him point-blank in a public news conference what Iraq had to do with 9/11 and Bush snapped "Nothing!"

The conclusion is that these people are not fit to run a government. As with the war in Iraq, they keep changing their story or blaming it on someone else. It all sounds like some stupid rich kid's excuses about a drunken frat party that got out of hand.

The sad thing is, hundreds of thousands of have been destroyed (including 2700 American soldiers dead and tens of thousands of more maimed for life) and now half the Muslim world wants our heads. And Bush and his apologists are still claiming that his war in Iraq isn't creating more terrorists than it's killing. Again, he's either utterly incompetent or he's lying.

My money is on both.

(As for the way the towers collapsed, they must fall straight down. The laws of gravity demand it. If they had any tendency to go anywhere else they would have collapsed the first time the wind started blowing.)

Mark Ward said...

I still maintain that some people in our government knew of the attacks and let them happen. I don't think that marginalizes anything and actually fits in with all of the things you have described above. They are horrible, awful people and should be fired immediately.

Anonymous said...

The 2008 Republican National Convention will be held at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, MN.



Phil from Minnetonka said...

Regarding the 2008 Republican National Convention - do we have enough hookers to support that many Republican delegates and hangers on? Guess we may have to import some...

Anonymous said...

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

johnwaxey said...

Markadelphia....UFO's and the origins of humans...AGAIN?!? You and I have debated this for years and you know how I come down on this. As for the rest of you, let me clarify, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that human beings are anything other than the product of millions of years of evolution. End of story. I know personnally several researchers who have studied the fossil remains of the earliest human-like ancestors and their material remains. They are not part of a grand conspiracy and there is no hidden agenda when it comes to the origins of humans. There are holes in the fossil record, but every month (and I mean this literally) there are new fossils being found that are filling in those gaps. What many of us were taught when we were growing up is now horribly outdated and while we were taught the linear family tree, it turns out that a schematic of our heritage looks far more like a bush then a tree. Lots of roots, lots of branches, lots of failed species lines, but nothing (and I mean nothing) that cannot be explained by a thorough grasp of evolutionary theory.

A completely different question is whether aliens and UFO's visit Earth. Another completely different question is whether there is life in this universe beside that which resides on this here Earth. Is there life out there? I think absolutely YES. There is no proof of this yet, but there probably will be. Do aliens and UFO's visit earth? I find it unlikely. The books that Markadelphia lists and the people that he listens to are often times "scientists" in the sense that they have degrees in some field of science, but you often find people applying their credentials to fields of study that are not represented by their experience. In truth, dedication, apptitude and money can get anyone a doesn't mean that they are intelligent, wise or anywhere near emotionally balanced people. Until an alien appears or a ship lands for all to experience, I am going to take grainey photos and emotionally based eye-witness accounts of objects and individuals with a tiny grain of salt.

As for 9-11, I would like to throw out a couple of things I found very suspicious. First, I found it interesting that GWB's presidency was in terrible shape before 9-11. The China incident had just occurred where Chinese officials had one of our spy plane crews held as "guests" with ol' rubber knees GWB bowing to their demands. The stock market was in decline and the country was very split over his "election." Then...miracle of miracles occur and GWB is now the man of the hour to save all of us terrified citizens from "the terrorists." How convenient. No proof, just interesting.

I also remember that only hours after the towers came down, someone put together the House and Senate on the lawn of the Capital on risers, fully televised, to sing America the Beautiful in a beautiful Kodak moment. On either side of the broadcast I see these terrible images of buildings coming down, people crying, planes exploding and in the middle is this American Moment. Does anybody find the idea of assembling all these people in one spot, setting up risers, bringing in camera, sound and light gear to televise this orchestral moment a little unsettling? Almost like it was ready to go in a moments notice.

One last is it that within 24 hours of the events taking place that all of the conspirators on those planes were identified and pictures obtained? We didnt know for months who blew up the Fed building in Oklahoma City. There were hundreds of people on those planes that were not is it that we knew so quickly and were so sure?

There is no proof in any of these observations, I wouldn't claim that there is, but when patterns start to develop in arrays of data, I have to wonder what it all means.

By the way, we are all right...JFK was killed by Oswald and black ops people, aliens exist and they don't. We are all winners and losers at the same time. Thank the gods for the variety that makes up the curry of life!

Anonymous said...

I really like the conspiracy about the missiles hitting the Pentagon. There were a number of people from DC, including one well known media person, on that flight that hit the Pentagon; they no longer exist. What happened to them? Were they on the missile? What about the eye witnesses that saw the plane hitting the Pentagon, like one of our talk show hosts (republcan think tank, radio media) who was driving on I 395 next to the Pentagon?

You have a right to disrespect
the President and the country as a whole as much as you want, but you should show a little more discretion and respect when dismissing the largest attack in this country's history and all of the people that died on that day.

Ghost from the right.

Mark Ward said...

Whoever you are, please buy and read the book The Terror Conspiracy and read it. Then come back and tell me what you think after reading the information listed in there. I am not dismissing anything. I want to know why those people lost their lives and I think some people in our government knew about it.

And if you read my whole column, you will notice that I listed this as possible but not likely. I asked the same questions you did.