
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Welcome To The Shitsack

WCCO has a semi regular piece they run called Reality Check. They look at a story, dissect the spin, and then tell you what the facts actually are. In concert with that idea, I am going to start a new feature at Notes From The Front. We are going to have a fairly regular themed column which I lovingly call....The Shitsack.

While the Grab Bag is more about the variety of things that either irritate me or excite me, the Shitsack will focus exclusively on conservative language, dissect what they are saying and then explain very directly why they are completely full of shit. From time to time, I may also call it The Complete Sack of Shit which, of course, conveys a similar meaning.

To illustrate how each Shitsack will work, I thought it would be fun to talk about the word "liberal." The word liberal, as defined by conservatives, is:

1. Weak, whiny, narrow minded, criminal, thief of my precious money, traitor, scumbag and/or rapist of children.

The actual definition of liberal, according to Webster's dictionary is:

1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.

2. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.

3.favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.

4. of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.

5. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.

6. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.

7. characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.

8. .given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.

So, clearly we can see that conservatives have taken their large, grabastic paws and dug deeply into the Shitsack. I think we can all agree that, based on the actual definition of the word liberal, this is something to which we should all aspire. Interestingly, the word conservative, according to Webster's, is defined as:

1. resistant to change

2. cautiously moderate or purposefully low

3. unimaginatively conventional

Whee-hoo...sign me up for that!!!

Anyway, now that we have gotten the basic rules for the Shitsack out of the way, let's all put on our rubber glovies and look no further to our very own Notes From The Front for this week's Complete Sack of Shit from conservatives. In a recent post in comments, a conservative told the story of a report on ABC by John Stossel who made the claim that people of faith or conservatives give more to the poor than non religious or liberal people. This story was mentioned to me at the gym by several conservative friends of mine and I noticed articles about it popping up in the papers.

I knew at the time that the Shitsack had been dug into very deeply but I really didn't have all the facts to back up my responses. Now I do.

To begin with, if you are going in actual dollar amounts, atheists win hands down and people of faith don't have a fucking prayer:) Why? Because the biggest donors to charity in our country are Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, who have donated billions of dollars to charity. Both of them are self-proclaimed atheists. Buffet even donated 90 percent of his fortune to Bill Gates's foundation. But, y'know, let's be fair to religious people because they can't really be expected to keep up with the likes of Buffet and Gates....monetarily speaking.
So, what are some other reasons this claim belongs in the Shitsack?

Michelle Bachmann, left, our esteemed congresswoman from the Sixth District here in Minnesota, voted against increasing the minimum wage. Huh? She is very religious person who espouses hard work to get ahead. So the people who are working hardest in this country should make less money? According to her, the minimum wage hike will hurt businesses....well, maybe the conservative ones that give all their money to charity as opposed to the liberal ones that pay more to their employees and thus have none left over for charity, right?

Bachmann's "generosity" is typical of conservatives who seem to give all the breaks to rich corporations and yet none to social programs. Claiming that this money will trickle down to employees, conservatives consistently cut taxes for the rich. The fact is that in 1985 CEO's compensation was, on average, 20 times that of one of it's workers. In 2005, CEO's make 400 times as much as their average worker.

Wow. That's a heckuva trickle. Must be that new "non wet" water....y'know the kind that is invisible.

In addition, Blue states give more to the federal government in states give less. Yet, most of the this money goes to the red states. For example, between 1991 and 2001 California paid $253.5 billion in federal taxes over the amount it received from the federal government. These subsidies went to red states like Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, who received $100.1 billion, $86.93 billion and $84.3 billion, respectively, above what they paid to the federal government. So, liberals in California are funding conservatives in the South now? Hey, waitaminute....suddenly I have decided that I want to be a conservative!!! No more taxes!!!

Now, I consider myself to be a person of faith so I am not ripping Christians here....just the ridiculous claim that people of faith and/or conservatives "give more" to the poor. It is flat out wrong. It's another example of conservatives trying to spin a great lie into a truth. When you hear comments like this from conservatives, just pull out the Shitsack.
And throw it at them.


Anonymous said...

Hello, perhaps if you didn't swear so much your points could be taken with more validity. Not all of us are as gifted with profanity prose as the late great Hunter Thompson. It is easy to speak with bar language. However,it makes a stronger statement if you don't name call someone a 'douchbag'. Just a comment, as after all, it is a free country. That being said can you name the movie with the record amount of swear words? A small movie titled "Glen Gary, Glen Ross". But you see, that was in context and they still didn't refer to anyone as a douchbag. The rest of the story, Is there such a thing as a douche bag anyways? Don't people douch in a shower or something as to eliminate the 'bag' part of it? Now you've got me thinking..."I can take about an hour on the tower of power
long as I gets a little golden shower" Frank Zappa.

Mark Ward said...

I believe the correct spelling is douchebag...with an E.

Also, I don't consider the my language to be "bar"'s just part of my everyday linguistic athlectics.

My points will never come across with any validity...swearing or no swearing....with people that are incapable of thinking outside of the box.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what "bar language" Markadelphia, I guess I just kind of talk that way everywhere. Of course, I've never claimed to be any sort of paradigm of virtue. I don't think it's the language that keeps you from getting your points across. I think it's the lack of cohesion between principle and practice. I don't even disagree with 1/2 of what you post (the other 1/2 I vehemently oppose). I mostly disagree with what I perceive to be the disconnect between the way things are/can be and the way you want things to be.

Is "thinking outside the box" comparable to "taking facts out of context"? You claim to have a gift for one, and you have a proven history of the other. The real shitsack in your last posting is the degree to which you grossly abused facts to attempt to prove your points.

Nevermind the Gates/Buffet data, which even you discount (half-heartedly) as unfair. I would have said ridiculous, but I'll settle for unfair. Nevermind the Michelle Bachmann tidbit, a decision which has little if anything to do with a person's actual charitable beliefs. Let's focus on the ultimate point of your posting, which is that California, a "blue" state, gives so much more than do Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, your representative "red" states. For starters, since when is federal tax anything akin to charity or generosity? Second, and most important, of course California pays so much more in federal taxes....they are consistetly among the biggest economies in the US. Heck, most years, they are in the top dozen economies in the entire world. It's like shooting fish in a barrel -- a barrel of misapplied facts -- to contrast that state with three of the dregs of this country (no offense). The fact that California is, by and large, a liberal state has nothing to do with its economic prowess.

Lastly, while hovering around the subject, lest you actually believe that raising the minimum wage is solely an issue of being "charitable", wait until Good2BMe finally finds the time to come back here and post. He can tell you all about the communications he is having with his suppliers, who are already warning him of the impact the increased minimum wage will have. Bottom line to those suppliers - increased minimum wage means higher costs. Bottom line to business like Good2BMe's - higher costs means transferring those costs to his customers or letting employees go. You decry conservatives like Michelle Bachmann, and not entirely without reason. But who's looking out for Good2BMe and his business? Michelle Bachmann, and not the new Dem majority.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This blog is starting to really get interesting. Who is Good2BMe? And when will he return? I will have to go back and read old posts...

The great lie that has been foist upon our country is that in order for a business to succeed, workers must be paid as minimally as possible while the owners "need" all that money to keep their business afloat. The reality is that they want to keep all the money for themselves. They are greedy and don't want to share.

If everyone shared more of the wealth in this country, we would eliminate many of the problems that we have care, education, poverty, famine....all would be gone. We would probably eliminate the need for most governmental programs as well as people would have more money and wouldn't need anything from Uncle Sam except maybe a military.

If Republicans really want less government, they should tell their pals to break the crowbar out and pry open their wallet.

I agree with anonymous that there should be less vulgarity on this blog....

Anonymous said...


Markadelphia probably isn't going to believe this, but I agree with you on one point....if everyone shared more of their wealth with everybody else, a great many problems in this country would be solved.

Where I suspect I probably differ from you, and where I know I differ from others on this board, is in the conclusion drawn from that ideal. Some argue that such an ideal means we should be taxing the wealthy more than we are. I would argue that's BS. Charity has long been the milieu of faith and philanthropy. "Charity" as mandated by government is communism. (No, Markadelphia, I don't mean that in the "oh no, the reds are coming to get us" sense.)

For the record, I strongly disagree with your assessment of business in America today. Certainly there are situations where what you claim is true. But to blanket all businesses with this label is ridiculous. That would be like claiming all Catholic priests molest boys. OK...maybe that's a bad example. How about, that would be like claiming all liberals are drunken buffoons and holding up Ted Kennedy as proof. According to the US Census Bureau, 1/4 of all payroll employees work for companies with 10,000+ people. So-called "evil" (liberal word, not yours) corporations have driven this country since inception, and continue to do so today. They put roofs over heads and food on tables. Are there CEOs that make obscene amounts of money? Of course. There are also athletes, actors, and politicians that do the same. So what's the point of going after big business?

That's, of course, not even mentioning "the little guy" businesses that represent the true spirit of America. Go back and look at the last posting of October, 2006 and tell me in what way Good2BMe's business is greedy. I don't understand why you would begrudge him the opportunity to turn a profit, hopefully grow his business, and reap some benefit from doing that. A guy like him is doing a lot more to improve this country and society than the scads of individuals around the country abusing the luxury of sitting at their computers arm chair- quarterbacking every move of the US government.

Mark Ward said...

I am not sure we should be taxing the wealthy more....just that they should not be making as much money as they do...or hoarding it. I don't know about you but I could get by just fine on a few million a year. Making 40 million a year is just plain ludicrous.

Of course, true communism has never existed. Russia, China...many of these countries talked a good game but in the end all the people got (or ever get) is a loaf of stale bread.

We read stories of history in which kings and queens keep tight fists on the jewels of the empire and that is still true pretty much every country in the world, including so
called "people's" countries like Venezuela and Cuba.

They are all terrible and so are we.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree that we are terrible.

Anonymous said...

You know something, I’m not terrible either. You’re projecting your views of yourself onto everyone else when you say that.

For someone who, on this blog many times, has denounced the "restrictions on freedoms" that you say have occurred in recent years, I find it funny that you now say "Wealthy people should not be making as much money as they do and they should not be hoarding their money". What you are doing here is forcing your morality onto people. You’re not calling for the government to impose restrictions on how much money people can make are you? If that is the case, while you are busy getting the government out of the bedroom, maybe you could also get them out of peoples bank accounts as well. It’s none of your business what people choose to do with their money. Chances are their money is invested in 401k’s and so forth, investments that keep the economy moving.

I'll even go so far as to say that California is one of the largest economies DESPITE the fact that it is a blue state.

I’ll also never know how giving money to the governement would be considered charity. The government wastes money (betcha didn’t know that). Looks like there are 2 schools of thought here...the "The government can help" vs. "If you want your shit ruined, just inject the government".

Mark Ward said...

We, personally, as in me, pl and crab are not terrible. Our government is and we need to stop them. The last election was a mandate by everyone, regardless of their political ilk, for change. Wake up to this fact becuase I have the feeling that you are not going to be very happy over the next two years and especially in 2008...regardless of who gets elected.

I am not forcing anything on anyone. And I really don't think that giving government a ton of money is necessarily the answer...althought it is one of them.

If we, as United States citizens, want to say we are the best and most free, then we need to start acting like it. We can't go around machine gunning children and then say that we are this great and wonderful peaceful nation. It's ludicrous.

Let's carry this conversation over to the above post becuase I think it is relavent.