
Monday, September 05, 2011

Where We Are

We used to be a nation that makes things. Now we are a nation that makes things up.

---Arianna Huffington, 30 Aug 2011.

No shit, A-Train. I can't think of a more perfect message for Labor Day.


A. Noni Mouse said...

So instead of complaining about it, stop making stuff up!

6Kings said...

That is funny coming from this blog and the queen of fake - Arianna.

Santa said...

A. Noni,

3. Projection/Flipping.


2. Character Assassination/Ad Hominem.

A. Noni Mouse said...

Wave the magic words around. Maybe they'll cause some cargo to fall from the sky.

mjh said...

Ah, yes, cargo culting. The latest in a series of accusations leveled at the left leaning posters of this site. The rough definition of a cargo cult is "any of various native religious cults of a millenarian and messianic character located in the southwestern Pacific islands, holding that spirits will bring large cargoes of modern goods for distribution among its adherents."

Further, the primary association in cargo cults is between the divine nature of "cargo" (manufactured goods) and the advanced, non-native behavior, clothing and equipment of the recipients of the "cargo". Since the modern manufacturing process is unknown to them, members, leaders, and prophets of the cults maintain that the manufactured goods of the non-native culture have been created by spiritual means, such as through their deities and ancestors, and are intended for the local indigenous people, but that the foreigners have unfairly gained control of these objects through malice or mistake.

What's ironic about this rip is that it is the very essence of the anti-intellectualism that the Asimov quote the other day so perfectly illustrated. Manufacturing goods in a divine way is the conservative movement today. Thus, once again, we have:

3. Projection/Flipping.

Hoffa said...

More people heard my remarks.

A. Noni Mouse said...

mjh, Did you notice the Marky strawman that I pointed out? Or did you ignore it?

Oh, and thank you for demonstrating that you do not understand what the term "cargo culting" means. If you actually want to learn something, try learning what it means:

Metaphorical Uses of Cargo Cult

mjh said...

I get what it means, A. Noni. I'm saying that it's another

3. Projection/Flipping

The example in your link of Chinua Achebe is a great one to compare to the GOP's main talking points these days. Lofty proclamations without any serious effort to bring about those proclamations. In other words, there is no there there with you guys.

Larry said...

Lofty proclamations without any serious effort to bring about those proclamations.

Sounds a lot like Obama, really.

Mark Ward said...


145 and counting.

Now, you can certainly have the opinion that you do but it is in no way factual. More like fictional.

Larry said...

Sure, Mark, sure. That's in no way a biased assessment, and I'm Marie of Rumania. Snort.