
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Burning CO2

Audi is experimenting with "e-diesel" made from a combination of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and water. Very cool! I've never had the desire to own an Audi but if this makes it to market, I may just have to pick one up.


Nikto said...

Mark, you're a month late! I already wrote about that.

It's a cool idea, but it actually makes more sense to use the underlying technology to make natural gas instead (which can be used as a transportation fuel in addition to any number of other things).

However, it probably makes more sense to produce hydrogen for use in fuel cells, because the only emission is water.

The problem with burning things in an internal combustion engine is that it's never clean: it will always produce other crap like nitric oxide or sulfur dioxide in addition to CO2.

If we electrolyze water for hydrogen and use that to power fuel cells, it will be more efficient than going through a whole other process to combine that with CO2 to make e-diesel.

The e-diesel is a cool idea and might have some use as an intermediate step if it works with regular cars. But in the long run, electric cars and fuel cells are the way to go.

Mark Ward said...

Sorry, buddy, end of the year:)