
Saturday, October 01, 2016

It HAS to be Fraud

A recent poll from AP shows that half of Trump's supporters think that if their candidate loses, there will be fraud. It can't possibly be that their ideas are backward and hateful. There has to be cheating somehow. More than ever before, we are seeing a large block of US voters burying their heads in the sand and completely denying reality.

Gail Collins, a columnist for the New York Times, recently asked the question, "How can anyone vote for Trump?" I posted this piece on my Facebook feed and a friend responded with this comment.

I keep hearing about white male alienation, and how all the alienated white males are going to vote for Trump. But I wonder if the reason all these white males are alienated is because they’re stupid. If you’re so deluded that you think Trump is presidential material, maybe you should be alienated. 

It’s possible that people alienate you because you’ve made bad decisions all your life, you didn’t get a decent education, you’re intellectually incurious and you can’t tell the difference between a slightly flawed, politically astute and highly prepared candidate and a man with a raccoon on his head whose campaign slogan is “No fat chicks."

Right, The real problem is THEM. It's not liberals, the media, the elite or voter fraud. They completely fail to look at how the choices they made in their lives are directly tied to their lot in life. Essentially, they aren't taking responsibility for their mistakes. Odd, considering they in the part of people who foam at the mouth of the lack of individual responsibility.

Here are a few pieces on the voter fraud myth for your reference.

Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth

The Success of the Voter Fraud Myth


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