
Wednesday, February 01, 2017


Interesting piece up at the now black listed CNN regarding President Trump and Steve Bannon. Are we witnessing typical actions which usually follow a coup?

Besieging your targets until nothing makes any sense -- giving them no time to absorb or recover from attacks -- is a time-tested strategy in the history of war and authoritarian takeovers. One might cite what's gone on in Turkey under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It's now being employed at the pinnacle of American democracy. It's particularly useful in situations where the leader is vulnerable due to possible investigations, blackmails or other circumstances that close off gradualist approaches to implementing an agenda. With all the emergencies going on, who is bothered at the moment about those Trump tax returns, or even his ties to Russia?

Exactly. I have to admit I've been pretty disheartened by many of Trump's actions. His supporters, who supposedly are against this sort of authoritarian action, are all in. As longs as it's one of their own, it's all good.

Yet, as I was reading the back pages of the New York Times the other day, I saw this headline on the other page....

New Italian Trial Set for Berlusconi in a Corruption Case

...and it made me smile.

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