
Friday, October 19, 2018

Who are we to believe-Trump or our lyin' ears?

President Trump's reluctance to call out the Saudi government for the assassination of Washington Post reporter Jamal Kashoggi illustrates two very key truths. First, Trump owes the Saudis a bunch of money from his business interests and doesn't want to make waves. Recently, he hilariously tweeted out this...

Yet during the 2016 campaign we have him on tape saying something much different. The clip comes at the end of this video which also details his financial ties with Saudi Arabia.


Who are we to believe-Trump or our lyin' ears?

The second truth that is illustrated by his reluctance to call out the Saudis on the Kashoggi death is he really, really hates reporters (or anyone for that matter) that criticize him. If they get killed, great! That's one less asshole he has to deal with.

The president is not acting in the best interests of this country. He is acting in his own, personal interest.

1 comment:

Nikto said...

These inherent conflicts of interest of Trump's are the second biggest reason (other than mental incompetence) Trump should never have been elected president. He is beholden to Russian mobsters and oligarchs, as well as Saudi oil barons, who bought his overpriced condos and mansions in New York and Florida.

He always gives dictators, murderers, pedophiles, and drunken sexual predators the benefit of the doubt, but never believes a word their victims say.

Republicans have flushed their very souls down the gold-plated Trump toilet for the sake of tax cuts and packing the Supreme Court with corporate shills.