
Sunday, February 16, 2020

Mandatory Vasectomies

Alabama State Rep. Rolanda Hollis has come up with a wonderful way to blunt abortion bills: make the male body responsible too. If a woman's womb is going to be the ward of the state (see also: The Handmaid's Tale), then so should a man's testicles. Ms. Hollis has put forth a bill calling for men to get state sponsored vasectomies after their third child or their 50th birthday...whatever comes first. The howls of derision from the pro life crowd in the comments and tweets made me ROTFALMFAO.

Male reproductive rights must be protected at any cost!

But not female reproductive rights...

This whole kerfuffle has made me reflect, though. What if men were held as responsible as women for pregnancies? And why don't you ever hear anything about that from the pro life crowd?


GuardDuck said...

"What if men were held as responsible as women for pregnancies?"

Like financial responsibility for 18-25 years? Jail time for failure to do so? Responsibility but unequal rights?

That sort of thing?

Mark Ward said...


A male’s reproductive system should be held equally accountable as a woman’s is if we are considering abortion restrictions.

GuardDuck said...

Like when his reproduction system works as nature designs then a child is conceived, and he has no control over terminating that conception?

That kind of accountability?

Mark Ward said...

Men have no control over their own ejaculations? Well, you might be right...

If the state gets to own a woman’s womb, then you should have no problem with the state telling a man his testicles are equally responsible. But thanks for showing that if men were held accountable, we’d never see abortion outlawed.

GuardDuck said...

That makes no sense wrt what I actually wrote. Please try again.

The state already does tell men that their testicles are responsible. Fully and completely. And they have no abortion option available to avoid that responsibility. In other words, your entire concept here does not reflect reality.

Carla said...

How is a man’s reproductive system responsible in the same way as a woman’s? It’s not under lock and key like a woman’s uterus.

GuardDuck said...

Lock and key?

Really? Explain please.