
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Lovers 4 Ever

Isn’t it special when two people are in love? It’s so wonderful to see that level of commitment to one another. I saw that today when I opened up my copy of the New York Times and saw our President holding hands with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. I know that my heart turns all warm and fuzzy when I see grown men hold hands. For those of you that would like to see the picture in all its glory, go here.

Isn’t it great to see two people who care for one another that much?

President Bush, yesterday, welcomed the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to the “Western White House.” First of all, am I the only one who is offended by the fact that George Bush’s house in Crawf0rd, Texas is now also known as the White House? I’m sorry but this just typifies our country’s mentality now. (I.e. guests of the Jerry Springer show) Hee Haw, folks! We done got ourselves a White House now! Now all that bih-ness of governing can be done white…I mean right.

Anyway, let’s get back to the meeting between our President and the leader of the country where most of the 9/11 Terrorists originated. Apparently, the discussions centered on how the President has been concerned about high oil prices. He wanted to make sure that Prince Abdullah understood that Americans are upset about this and he…..he..uh…..bwaah-ha-ha…..hee hee hee…..

Is any one else having trouble keeping a straight face at this point? Um, Ok, for those of you who don’t know (60 million of you btw), our President and his family are in business with the Saudi Royal Family and they make billions of dollars from oil together. The exact details of this relationship can be read in the book, “House of Bush, House of Saud” by Craig Unger.

Today on CNN, Robert Jordan, former ambassador to Saudi Arabia weighed in on his assessment of the meeting and the rising cost of oil. When asked about the Saudi relationship with the Bush family, Jordan simply smiled and said that it was all discredited by the 9/11 report, a section that I must have missed in my reading of the book. Maybe that part was in invisible ink. Mr. Jordan, incidentally, at one time was the personal attorney for George Bush.

Well, I for one am happy that all is still well in Dream Land, where any sort of behavior can be spun to look grand for the folks governing our fine country. I have a great deal of patriotism when I go to the filling station and get gas that comes from a country that encourages anti-American sentiment in their churches. I know that when I plunk down my 2.25 per gallon (and rising) that it is going towards the physical, mental, and emotional abuse of women all across Saudi Arabia.

I especially feel all tingly inside when I know that my President is best pals with the people from that country. It’s a relationship that has no end in sight from which we all get to benefit by paying out of our noses and living under threat of further terrorism.

Of course, my buddies on the right have a solution. Let’s go drill in Alaska. Great. Yeah, that’s real forward thinking there, Red. After you have finished reading this column (and moving your lips while doing it), why don’t you come up with a solution that doesn’t effectively give the drug addict more heroin?


Jason said...

More on the hand holding stuff

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that our President makes money off of a relationship with the royal family of Saudi Arabia? That's fascinating! And I'm not easily impressed. (whoa...wait a minute...look at that!...a blue car!)

Hateful rhetoric from you lefty loonies, while it might keep you warm on those cold, lonely nights, doesn't run cars, propel airplanes, or otherwise power this comedy we call life.

If you are suggesting, without even a hint of a logical argument, that GWB and crew should be pursuing alternative energy solutions, then I would humbly suggest to you that you and your cohorts should provide a workable solution for discovering and implementing a workable plan to transition from ME oil to ???. Good will towards man doesn't fuel anything more than holier than thou attitudes.

In the meantime, I'll be pondering how totally worthless the ME will become when their singular contribution to the civilized world dries up or becomes otherwise obsolete due to this miraculous new energy source. Not a pretty thought.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are the only one who is offended. Maybe we should have taken the Prince to San Francisco and shown him how things run in that city……a homeless beggar every 15 feet. Heck maybe he could have attended the wedding of John and Jeff. Maybe take him to an asian massage parlor, happy ending and all (I’ll be damned if I’m letting him cut in line in front of me!). Speaking of home states, funny how the Democrats never point out that Al Gore is one of the few presidential candidates who have failed to carry his home state. If Tennessee had voted for its least favorite son, it wouldn’t have mattered what happened in Florida in 2000. Potomac fever strikes again, old Al forgot there was a place called “home” that sent him to DC in the first place.

The left still hasn’t got around to explaining to all of us how this political nonentity known as Bush managed to lead his party to victory in the 2002 and 2004 elections without any help from Justice Rehnquist and his judicial cohorts.

I’ll give you credit for one thing… while accusing Bush of being beholden to the oil interests at least you didn’t praise the likes of France, Russia and the United Nations as representing the conscience of mankind while ignoring the fact that it was France and Russia that had multi-billion-dollar oil deals with Hussein, and Kofi Annan who had cut himself in for a piece of the action.

For the record, we don’t get “Gas” from Saudi Arabia, we get Crude Oil. Feel free to post the details of the plan that anyone in the leadership of the democratic party has ever put forward with regards to gas prices and you’ll see why Bush won. Just saying “I have a plan” 139 times in the debates like Kerry did without revealing the details of “the plan” doesn’t cut the mustard these days.

On the way to work this morning I heard that discussions are underway to build several new refineries on military bases that aren’t being used by the military anymore. Remember that there has not been a new refinery built in this country in 20 years. Basic crude is what we get from Saudi Arabia and we can have all the crude in the world hit our shores and it doesn't mean much if we are also pinching off supply here at home by lack of refining capacity. The basic crude is just one element in the pump price equation and all we can do at this point in time is store the raw crude until a refinery can actually make fuel from the crude. If we built several new refineries in this country we would see prices go down. OPEC could pump crude till hell freezes over but without additional capacity to make raw crude gasoline, so what? Presidents for 20 years have withheld granting licenses for new refining capacity and limiting competition keeps fuel prices high. OPEC is only marginally affecting fuel prices; what is really driving high pump prices is our inability to deliver refined product to retailers.

No, why don’t YOU enlighten us with your solution, then maybe voters can have something to latch onto. My solution is to build more refineries, offer OPEC $10 a barrel for their oil and if they don’t like it they can find someone else to buy their stuff. About 2 weeks of their storage facilities filling up should do the trick. Also, like Phil said, take some initiative yourself – drive less, don’t buy a house that is 79 miles away from your job, don’t buy a gas guzzler, live below your means, don’t have children you can’t afford, take on a part time job at night, quit eating at restaurants so much, quit spending so much money on beer and cigarettes, choose a hobby that costs less that Golf, get a roommate, buy your sweatpants at Wal-Mart, etc.

Jason said...
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Jason said...

Actually, Bush lost his home state too!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! This is the big one! You guys got him now! Scandal of the century! A PO box in that's an outrage!

Anonymous said...

I just can't stop sobbing. My coworkers have been trying to console me, but to no avail.

Our beloved President clearly thumbing his nose at the election process and breaking any number of election laws.

Our beloved president eschewing the long-standing tradition of Presidential pauperism in favor of turning an ill-gotten buck or two.

But now that it's clear to me that he is, in fact, a homosexual, I don't know how I can go on. What with my abject fear of queers, and all.

In fact, I hear that's what his press conference is about this evening. He's planning on coming out of the closet. I suspect the right-wing spin doctors will find a way to perpetuate the cover-up, though. They always do. They've done a pretty good job so far with the "9/11 was actually carried out by government agents" thing...not many people know the real truth. Only those of us who take the time to pull back the curtain and reveal the conspiracy for what it is.