
Saturday, May 09, 2009

Bill Nails it Again

"When the president suggests things that will help the greater good, that's not a slight against your fragile manhood. I know. I know. You are a rugged individualist. Except you're not.

You're just a dick."


rld said...

Define Greater Good please.

sara said...

Oh...I if Americans had better, affordable health care than they might live longer, offer more to society (including consumer spending) and generally make our country a better place.

last in line said...

There you go rld. Be sure to thank her for the specifics. The Greater Good, Offer More to Society, and Making the Country a Better Place - 3 phrases that can't be specifically defined, therefore they must be beloved.

Pardon my dissent...dissent is the highest form of patriotism after all.

*cue you folks to type up a few lines regarding gwb now*

juris imprudent said...

As someone who is a lot closer to my probable death than to my actual birth (i.e. I'm well over the actuarial half way point), I don't need you or anyone else telling me how to lead a better life. And least of all would I take a load of that bullshit from a two-bit con artist like Maher (who obviously fancies himself the counterpart to Rush).

For people who are supposedly non-religious (save for that enduring faith in Marx and/or "progessivism") you all are just about the biggest bunch of preachers this side of a Baptist convention.